




1.是的,是的 Chris:Yes. 是的 Chris:Yeah. Yeah. 是的,是的 Tom:Please. 请吧。 ...

2.没错 yeah. yeah. 没错 blair. i should get going. Blair 我该走了 ...

3.没事 ... 没关系 it's fine. 没事 Yeah. Yeah. 其实不是的 Uh .... No,everything's not okay. ...

4.好啊当然可以 ... -Jeremy:Yeah. Yeah. 好啊当然可以 It's not pke she knows what you are. 她又不知道你是吸血鬼 ...


1.MR COEBEN: Yeah, yeah, you know him, he works with you. Tall guy-- brown hair.科本先生:是的,是的,你认识他,他和你一起工作。高个子的人,棕色头发。

2.Okay, so do you think you could put them into words And speak to her out loud? Yeah. Yeah, if she doesn't leave first.那么你能将你的感情组织成句,大声对她说出来吗?能,能啊,如果她没有先走的话。

3.Yeah! Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, maybe it's because, you know. . . men are. . . easier to. . . you know. . . to please.没错!没错,是啊,是啊。嗯,也许这是因为,你知道的…男人……更容易…你知道的…获得满足。

4.Yeah. Yeah. I'm sorry, I just can't imagine that. I mean. . . you know, Amanda drives me crazy. . . but not talking for a year, I.是的,是的。对不起,我只是无法想象,我是说…你知道阿曼达让我发疯…但是一年不说话我。

5.Yeah, yeah, I've been good. I've been doing well. As you see, we are here tonight for Nikon commercial. It's been a very exciting day.是啊,我很好,我过得很好,你看,我们今天晚上又相聚在尼康促销活动了。今天非常激动人心。

6.Yeah. Yeah, something. Um, I think I might have been wrong, telpng you to drop your investigation.是的,有些事情。嗯,我想也许我弄错了,让你停止你的调查。

7.She makes me feel pke I could be a tower, a big strong tower, yeah. The power to be, the power to give, the power to see, yeah, yeah.她使我觉得我可以成为一座塔,一座坚实的塔,耶。这是一种力量,给予的力量,发现的力量,耶,耶。

8.Rachel: Oh, yeah, yeah. Actually, I got the extended disco version, with three choruses of "You'll never make it on your own" .是的,是的。事实上,这次是迪斯科加长版外加三重合唱的“你永远无法自力更生”。

9.Yeah, yeah. . . You know what, you know what. Unpke Rosa Parks, you mum loused in the back of a bus.是啊,是啊…你知道,你知道。不像罗莎•帕克斯,她就应该被拖在公共汽车后面。

10.Congratulations, you recently had a birthday, is that correct? -Yeah. -Yeah? What's the matter?祝贺你,你刚刚过了生日,是这样吗?-是。-是?怎么了?