




1.四川 ... 六盘水市 6 panshui.cc 四川 4 chuan.cc 三明市 3 ming.cc ...

2.黄福全 ... chuan 穿船传(传)串川喘椽舛遄巛氚钏(钏)舡 chuang 窗床闯(闯)创(创)疮(疮)幢怆(怆) ...

4.传奇 ... chou 愁想 小林克己 chuan 传奇 王菲 chuang 窗外 戴佩妮 ...

5.中国国防建设 中国的国防建设 第二部分 中国国防建设... 第9讲:中国国防 …

6.传统 农历[农历] nong2p4 传统[传统] chuan2tong3 按照[按照] an4zhao4 ...


8.陲 ... (chuai) 遄(金) (chuan) (金) (chui) 锤(金) ...


1.Little Chuan walked slowly out of the inner room, his hands to his chest, coughing repeatedly.小栓慢慢的从小屋子里走出,两手按了胸口,不住的咳嗽;

2.Old Chuan seemed to hear someone ask; but he made no reply.老栓也似乎听得有人问他,但他并不答应;

3.Listen to psten to, the black Chuan seems to be also drawn on and also asked a few questions.听着听着,黑川好像也被吸引住了,还提了几个问题。

4.B as an important grain and cotton base, known as "800 years Qin Chuan, " is one of the cradles of ancient Chinese civipzation.B为重要粮棉基地,号称“八百里秦川”,是中国古代文明发祥地之一。

5.Indulge in its alpine Da-chuan Hirano pay tribute to the cheers of it, but have never been to this deep to the bottom of the canyon.它沉湎于高山大川平野对它的欢呼致意,却从来没有到这深深的峡谷的底部来过。

6.Her business tin be so good, more black and whites course that is all eastern Chuan City, discern on oneself's this Qin Ye's faces.她的生意能那么好,更多都是东川市的黑白道,看在自己这个秦爷的面子上。

7.After the happening of Wen Chuan Earthquake, a great number of volunteers from all over the country poured to Si Chuan to offer their love.汶川地震发生之后,大量来自全国各地的志愿者都涌向四川去奉献爱心。

8.Known as the "Iron Man of Asia" , Yang Chuan-kwang from Taiwan won the gold medal in the decathlon at the 1954 Asian Games.来自中国台北的10项全能选手杨传广在1954年亚运会中获得金牌,由此获得“亚洲铁人”的称号。

9.Family of the Ming Dynasty, Suzhou Luc, one of the local tribes, a few households, Confucianism Chuan-home, deep cultural roots.明代苏州陆氏家族为当地几户大族之一,儒学传家,文化渊源颇深。

10.AGe contact with eight much qing chuan was finally eight AGe moved a spoony, marry for his wife.跟八阿哥接触多了的晴川终于被八阿哥的一片痴情所动,嫁他为妻。