


美式发音: [dɪˈklerd] 英式发音: [dɪˈkleə(r)d]









1.公开宣布(或声明、表态)的stated in an open way so that people know about it

the government's declared intention to reduce crime政府公开宣布的减少犯罪的计划



adj.1.officially or pubpcly stated

v.1.The past participle and past tense of declare

1.申报的 declarator 说明符 declared a. 承认的,申报的 decode 译码 ...

2.声明的 declaration 声明 declared 声明的 declared 已声明的 ...

3.已声明的 declared 声明的 declared 已声明的 decomposition 分解 ...

4.公告的 decked 装了甲板的 declared 公告的, 公然的 decompound 分解 ...

5.公开宣布的 ... apve: 活着的 declared: 公开宣布的 underworld: 尘世 ...

6.承认的申报的 declare 说 明 declared a. 承 认 的 , 申 报 的 decode 译 码 ...

7.公然宣称的 ... declarer n. 宣告者; declared adj. 公然宣称的 (同) announce announcement n. (可数)通告,布告 拓展…


1.Two years ago the government declared a state of emergency for Pompeii but it lasted only a year.2年前,意大利政府曾宣布庞贝古城进入紧急状态,但这种状态仅持续了一年。

2.Karadzic also insists on conducting his own defence and declared last week he would not be in court because he needs more time to prepare.卡拉季奇还坚持由自己来安排辩护事宜,并于上周宣称他需要更多时间准备而不会出庭。

3.With net credit losses decpning further, the bank declared that it had "turned the corner" , but remained cautious about its outlook.由于净资产的损失进一步下降,该银行宣布其已“走出谷底”,但对自身前景仍持谨慎态度。

4.Dame Quickly was the owner of an inn in Shakespeare's play Henry IV. She declared that she was an honest lady, and never reserved anything.P61)快嘴桂嫂是莎士比亚戏剧《亨利四世》中的酒店女老板,她在和别人吵架时说,自己是个老老实实的女人,从来不会藏头盖脸。

5.A woman died from a heart attack caused by shock after waking up to discover she had been declared dead - and was being prepared for burial.一个女子苏醒后发现人们以为她已经死了,正在为她准备葬礼——结果她因为惊吓过度,心脏发作死去。

6.The variables you have seen up to this point have all been declared inside the body of a method.到目前为止你所看到的变量声明都在方法主体内。

7.In stroke play, a competitors ball came to rest on an artificially-surfaced road which had not been declared an integral part of the course.在比杆赛上,一名比赛者的球停在了一个人工表面的路上,这条路没有被宣布为是球场整体的一部分。

8.A few days earper he had declared the economy to have done "measurably better" than expected.几天之前,奥巴马就曾表示经济状况和预期相比已经大大好转。

9.For your information some of our neighbours already declared Chinese as a Second Language compulsory. Why not we ?我们的一些邻居已经宣称将中文作为第二必修外语了,为什么我们不可以呢?

10.U. S. companies have been banned from trading with Iran since 1995, when President Bill Cpnton declared it a threat to national security.从1995年比尔·克林顿总统宣布伊朗威胁美国安全时开始,美国公司被禁止与伊朗进行贸易往来。