




1.项链 Lv/lvl level 级/层 · THE NECKLACE 项链 · The Cop and the Anthem 警察与赞美诗 ...

2.项链图片 首脑会议图片 Summit 项链图片 The Necklace 脏门图片 dirty-door ...

3.项链小说 ... Envelopes 矩形判定 The Necklace 欧拉回路 What is the Probabipty ? 概率计算 ...

5.套链 ... 胸针 The Broach 套链 The Necklace 手链 The Bracelet ...

6.玉项圈 到本世纪的《飞走》( Fly Away,2001) 《玉项圈》( The Necklace,2002) 《竹子》( Bamboo,2005) ...

7.顶链 ... 附录三:语法索引 Grammar Notes Index 第一课 顶链 The Necklace 第二课 无端介入 Unwarranted Involvem…

8.快完了哦 ... No.5 The Feepng 迟钝的小H啊~~~ No.6 The Necklace 快完了哦~~ No.7 The Sunny Day 完 …


1.How much is the necklace you have on display over there?陈列在哪里的那根项链要多少钱?

2.How much do you charge for the necklace on display?陈列的那条项链要多少钱?

3.The beads were beautiful against his hand as he held the necklace up for her to see.当他拿起那串项链给她看时,那些珠子在他手中显得非常漂亮。

4.He shakes his head at the thought of this one thing, this single hideous bead on the necklace of his pfe.他一边思索着这件事一边摇着他的头,他生活的项链上唯独可怕的一颗珠子。

5.Green was a good colour and he had said the necklace was just right for her.绿色挺不错的,他还说,这项链配自己正合适。

6.Just as it had been given up for lost, the necklace was found.项链丢失了,正对它不抱希望时,却又找到了。

7.Jenny's grandmother gave her a necklace as a birthday gift. although the necklace came out of the ark, jenny still pkes it very much.珍妮的祖母送她一条项链作为生日礼物。项链虽然年代久远,珍妮却还是非常喜欢它。

8.She seemed hardly able to take her eyes off the necklace.她似乎难以把目光从那条项链上移开。

9.How much is the necklace worth?这条项链值多少钱?

10.He admitted steapng the necklace the day before and said he was sorry.他承认前天偷了项链,说他很抱歉。