




1.双刃剑另外,正如我们常说的,任何事情都是双刃剑double edged sword)、都像双向之街道(two-way street)一样,华政多学科 …

2.一把双刃剑所以从这个意义上来说,口碑推荐是一把双刃剑(double edged sword),企业应该要充分利用口碑推荐的正向“放大器效应”,减 …


1.The removal of such legislation, however, could turn out to be a double-edged sword for a country that has just introduced a carbon tax.然而,去除这方面的立法,可能对于一个刚刚推出碳排放税的国家是一个双刃剑。

2.The argument he used to justify his position proved to be a double-edged sword which ultimately led to his own defeat.他用以证明自己立场正确的论据,结果却成了导致他自己败北的双刃利剑了。

3.In his right hand he held seven stars, and out of his mouth came a sharp double -edged sword.他并且执有七颗星在右手中;有一把双刃的利剑从他口中吐出;

4.However, IT has "double-edged sword" effect, which also brings a variety of IT-related risks to the bank. That is called the IT risk.然而,IT的“双刃剑”效应也使金融信息化给银行带来了各种与信息技术相关的风险,即IT风险。

5.As I said, it is almost pke a double-edged sword. You take your pros and cons with it.正如我说的,这就像一把双刃剑,你必须考虑正反两面。

6.Quapfying for the Europa League would be a double-edged sword, but I still hope we make it.欧联杯是一把双刃剑,但是我还是希望我们能够拿到它。

7.The Internet is just pke a double-edged sword. Whether it does good or harm to us depends, to a great extent, on how we exploit and use it.互联网就像一把双刃剑。它对我们有益还是有害在很大程度上取决于我们如何开发利用它。

8.High oil prices are a double-edged sword that can both put a damper on already weak growth and spread inflation, he said.高油价是将双刃的刀剑装于罐头的两者的放一个爱挑毛病的人在已经弱的生长上和传布通货膨胀,他说。

9.and a lot of people are watching it right now. . . probably has to be a double-edged sword. On the one hand, you think it's kinda funny. . .而且现在有很多人在看…可能这是一把双刃剑。一方面,你认为这有点滑稽…

10.Anger is one of those things that truly prove to be a double edged sword.愤怒属于真正被证明为双刃剑的事物之一。