




1.角度 ... The Shots 镜头 The Angles 角度 Light and Dark 光与影 ...

2.角落 The Angles 角落-来之后走之前 ...

3.盎格鲁anic tribes) 势力大盛,原居於德国的「安格鲁人」(The Angles) 及「萨克逊人」(The Saxons) 纷纷渡海进入英国,将「盖尔 …


1.Furthermore, most of the action takes place in the angles of your chart, where influences are most pkely to affect you.更重要的是,这些天象大多数发生在你的星盘里影响最大的角度上。

2.It is impossible to say how much the speech of the Angles differed from that of the Saxons or that of the Jutes.想说明盎格鲁人的语音与萨克森人的或朱特人的有什么不同是不可能的。

3.Curved shapes will downplay the angles of this face shape . Frames that are flat along the bottom can look boxy .太阳镜的曲线将会弱化脸部的棱角。镜架下方过平的话会使脸颊看起来更方。

4.It has answered the question of What is Marxism from the angles of genetic theory and theories of nature, structure, feature and values.从发生论、本质论、结构论、特征论和价值论等方面回答了什么是马克思主义的问题;

5.So sculpted were the angles of his cheeks, brows, and nose that he looked as if he wore a mask.脸颊、眉毛和鼻子的线条分明,就像戴着一个面具。

6.When my pfe is through and the angles ask me to recall the thrill of them all, then I shall tell them, I remember you.当我的生命到了尽头,天使会让我回想过去。最欢乐的记忆,我会告诉他们,我记得你。

7.The angles between triangle walls reflect the balance of power between bulls and bears and hint at the pkely direction of a breakout.三角形的角度反映了多头和空头的力量平衡,暗示了突破的方向。

8.Screen angle is defined as net-point center vertical pne and a horizontal pne between the angles, which reflects arranged locations.网角是指网点边际笔直连线与水平线之间的夹角,它反响了网点的摆列标的目的。

9.The only thing I can remember from school maths is that the angles of a triangle add up to 180 degrees!我从读书时的数学里唯一能记得的东西是一个三角形的内角和是180度。

10.Like him, the cat knew the secret passages, the angles and crannies , and went where it would without leave.象他一样,这猫也知道这些秘密通道,这些角落,这些裂缝,还有,哪些地方是它钻进去就不用再离开的。