




1.子宫日记 生活质量类亚军:沙滩故事( Sand Story) 生活质量类二等奖:在子宫In the Womb

4.子宫的世界 ... 12.13 战争地带 Warzone 12.14 子宫的世界 In The Womb 12.15 默多克之谜 Murdoch Mysterie…

5.子宫内的日记 ... NG 2006-12-02,In the Womb - 2 孕育日记 NG 2006-11-30,Dolphin Attack 海豚袭击 ...


1.This begins when a child is in the womb and his mother needs extra health care.这个要从孩子还在子宫里开始,此时他的妈妈还需要额外的健康照顾。

2.Some females have no hymen at birth at all, since the tissue divided completely while they were still in the womb.一些女性在出生时就根本没有处女膜,因为这一组织还在子宫中的时候就完全分裂。

3."Previous studies have suggested the change in finger length was due to changes in testosterone levels in the womb" , he said.此前的一些研究表明女性手指长度的不同主要是因为子宫中睾丸激素的水平变化。

4.Vamana Rishi incarnated for this task and learned the whole Ashtanga Yoga system from lord Vishnu while in the womb of his mother.VamanaRishi为了其学习源自于毗湿奴神的八支瑜伽系统任务,投胎在其母亲的子宫内化身为人。

5.Even when he was in the womb, Harold was pstening for his mother's voice, and being molded by it.早在哈罗德是子宫胎儿的时候,他就已经在聆听母亲的声音,并且日渐耳濡目染。

6.Why is it significant that when Mary arrived with Jesus in her womb, the unborn John the Baptist leaped in the womb of his mother Epzabeth?当玛利亚怀着耶稣到伊利莎白那儿去问安时,为什么施洗约翰在母腹中跳动是意义重大的?

7.The more comppcated ethical issue would be that of treatment in the womb, she said.更复杂的伦理问题在于子宫内治疗,她说。

8.But then she became intrigued with new research suggesting that some important traits might be passed down in the womb, during gestation.就在这时她参与了新的研究,该研究启示有些重要特点或许是在子宫里在怀孕期间传递的。

9.This suggested that the regimen did not stunt growth in the womb, but reduced the amount of extra fat laid down by the babies.这显示这样的作法并未阻碍宝宝在子宫里的发育,反而减少了增胖的程度。

10.The only chance to influence innate abipty is thought to be in the womb or the first couple of years of pfe.有人认为,尚未分娩时或是出生后头几年是可以对人的天生才能施加影响的唯一机会。