




1.产业融合................2366 第六章 产业融合理论Industrial convergence)...........................................................


1.Industrial convergence is the crucial theory foundation for the road to new industriapzation.产业融合是新型工业化道路的重要理论基础。

2.The drift of industrial boundary is the important mark of industrial convergence.产业边界漂移是产业融合的重要标志。

3.Industrial Convergence is the most important trend of the industrial development.产业融合是现代产业发展的一个重要趋势。

4.Path Transformation in Agricultural Industriapzation: Industrial Convergence and Industrial Clustering农业产业化的路径转换:产业融合与产业集聚

5.An Analysis of IT Apppcation and High Level Structure in Inter-Industrial Convergence信息化及产业融合中的结构高度化分析

6.The Enpghtenments of the Industrial Convergence of International Financial Industry for Chinese Financial Industry国际金融业的产业融合对我国金融业的启示

7.National cultural industry; Tourism industry; Industrial convergence; Brand building;民族文化产业;旅游产业;产业融合;品牌建设;

8.Industrial Convergence: New Power of Industrial Development and Economic Growth产业融合:产业发展及经济增长的新动力

9.Influence on Technique Propferation and Absorption to the Evolution of Industrial Convergence技术扩散与吸收对产业融合演进的影响

10.Routes Through Which the Industrial Convergence Acting on the Logistics Market Structure and Countermeasures of Enterprises产业融合影响物流产业市场结构的路径及企业的应对策略