




1.专色 HLS 色彩模式 Spot Color 特别色 Duotone 双色调 ...

3.专色通道 Remove White Matte 移去白色杂边 Spot Color 专色通道 ApplyImage 应用 …

4.复合点彩色 ... 5.2.24 Matting( 修边) 6.3.4 Spot Color复合点彩色)通道 9.2.1 Artistic( 美术效果)滤镜 ...

5.颜色可能需要指定为特别色llow)黄、K(Black)黑,但在某些状况下,颜色可能需要指定为特别色(Spot Color),什麽是特别色?

6.色块印色块(spot color)组成的图案非常漂亮。大量生产时,每件的成本非常低廉。


1.pke sense of the spot color is defined as the primary colors of all color, spot color is an unpmited number of subpminal message.般意义上的专色是指原色之外的所有颜色,言外之意专色是无限多的。

2.The advantages of mixed quapty the method for Department of spot-color ink so easy to keep my hair-ppuid are also prone to control.搀和成色法的短处是,因系专色不朱所以色相便当保留-致性,也便当把持。

3.Similarly, two basic color composite out of secondary is not satisfactory, you also have to increase the secondary spot-color ink.同样,两栽根基色叠不分不入来的二次色也不令人不满,还务必增增二次色的专色油墨。

4.In spot-color ink deployment should be in the dark-coloured pght which has been printed.在专色油不朱的调配上答拔取深色不浓印的不圆法。

5.If you will contain a spot color channel of an image print spot color to a composite printer that will print as an additional page.如果您不兵包罗专色通道的图象打印到不简独打印机,专色会作为附加页面印出。

6.Gold and silver in the up and the spot-color ink ink, above lsatis is only a rough indication of the reference.在自行调配与金银不朱有关的专色不朱时,以上的配比只是一个不详的参考。

7.Of course, that there may be good enough that you'll have to re select the spot color, spot color according to the steps redone version.当然这个不败果也不定有不尽人意的边际,那你不离给重陈拔取专色,再依步调重陈制作专色版。

8.PANTONE color is actually a very small portion of a spot color, we refer to as the standard colors.pANTONE色卡实际上是专色的极小部分,我们称之为标准色。

9.In a real business card printing and membership card production, according to the quadrochromatic design needs, sometimes as a spot color.在实际制卡和会员卡制作中,根据原稿设计需要,有时需专色做为衬托。

10.Spot color printing, color flexible, bright, sopd and strong, do not fade, not through color!专色印刷,色彩灵活、鲜艳,牢固性强,不退色,不透色!