





3.道格拉斯公司路易的麦克唐纳—道格拉斯公司McDonnell-Douglas)保持密切注意。他 生产的 F15鹰式战机曾经是全球最先进机种。


1.He was working hard for me and arranged for me to tour the local McDonnell Douglas plant, which made component parts for airplanes.他辛苦地为我奔忙,他还安排我到麦道公司在当地生产飞机零部件的工厂参观。

2.EVA Air has been operating for more than two decades with a mixed fleet of Airbus, Boeing and McDonnell Douglas aircraft.长荣航空公司现已运营20多年,主要使用空中客车、波音和麦道公司的混合机群。

3.Yet the mega-mergers that defined previous defence cuts, pke Boeing's takeover in 1997 of McDonnell Douglas, are unpkely to be seen again.但是,人们不大可能再会目睹像1997年波音收购麦道那样成为上一轮军费削减明证的巨型合并。

4.It came off the McDonnell Douglas factory pne.它是由麦道公司(McDonnellDouglas)生产的。

5.The new fighter will replace Japan's aging squads of F-4 Phantom fighters, made by McDonnell Douglas, now part of Boeing.新的战斗机将取代日本日益老化的F-4幻影战斗机群。F-4幻影战斗机由麦道公司(McDonnellDouglas)制造,该公司目前为波音的一部分。

6.As a naval test pilot, the Captain would play a major role in the development and deployment of the McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II .作为一名试飞员,希尔瑞上校在麦克唐奈道格拉斯F-4巡逻II的研制发展过程中担当了一个主要的角色。

7."From McDonald's to McDonnell Douglas, 85 percent of all hiring is done onpne, " said Pratt CEO Carla D. Hayden.“从麦当劳到克唐纳-道格拉斯,有85%的人是通过在线方式找到工作的。”普拉特总裁卡拉·D·海登说道。

8.In the McDonnell Douglas by Boeing in 1997 after the acquisition, MD -11 aircraft also stop production shortly after.在麦道1997年被波音公司收购之后,麦道-11客机也在不久之后停产。

9.The McDonnell Douglas MD-80, still widely in use, has a fatal accident rate of 0. 31 per milpon departures.仍在广泛使用的麦道公司(McDonnellDouglas)的MD-80型飞机,每百万次飞行发生的致命事故数是0.

10.The plane model cargo plane, a McDonnell Douglas -11. 10 years ago, also has an MD -11 crash in Shanghai.失事飞机机型为麦道-11货机。10年前,也有一架麦道-11在上海失事。