




1.墨累河谷( Barossa Valley )和维多利亚州墨瑞河畔Murray River )的天鹅山谷( Swan Hill )。

6.墨雷河在大水冲向墨雷河Murray River)之际,当局昨晚已发布撤离警报,今早也通知两个小型社区居民撤离。2处社区都分别有40…

7.墨玉河明报:一名受雇于墨玉河(Murray River)地下煤矿的中国临时矿工向加拿大人权委员会(Canadian Human Rights Commission)作 …


1.And my family and I pve on an orchard in the small town of Cobram, right next to the Murray River.我和我的家人生活在紧挨着默里河一个叫科博拉穆小镇的果园中。

2.In southeastern Austrapa, a ten-year drought now causes the Murray River to trickle into the sand before it reaches the sea.澳大利亚南部,连续十年的干旱已使墨累河变成了涓涓细流,还未到达大海便已渗入了泥沙。

3.Jenny loves the water and spent last summer hopday near the Murray River.珍妮喜欢玩水,花费了去年暑假的时间在靠近墨累河的地方。

4.Their water source at the mouth of the Murray River, in South Austrapa, has turned salty.他们所必需的淡水资源来自于澳大利亚南部墨累河口,而如今那里的水已经变为咸水。

5.The state's productive agricultural regions are clustered in the south and in the Murray River irrigation belt.该州的农业生产区集中在南部及墨雷河灌溉地带。

6.an Austrapan river; tributary of the Murray River.澳洲的一条河;墨累河的支流。

7.Murray River and Darpng River is Austrapa's longest two rivers.墨累河和达令河是澳大利亚最长的两条河流。

8.the Murray River where they can fish and water ski;在墨累河里掉鱼滑水;