




1.赤 che 輋车 chek cheng 郑 ...

2.头赤 ... sap1din6 湿电 tau4chek3 头赤 wai1seui2 威水 ...

3.仄 ... 咫( chi) ( chek) 操( cho) ...

5.德小米 ... [huda123****] 白啦**** [chek****] 德小米**** [yidao****] 如果就爱**** ...


1.Winds near the surface at Chek Lap Kok were easterpes around 10 kt throughout the morning .当日整个上午,赤角接近地面高度吹东风,风速约每小时10海里。

2.When he was younger, Lee Chek says, he wanted to be a soldier for Kim Jong Il, and "fight Japan. "李赤(音译,LeeChek)表示,他年轻的时候想成为金正日的士兵,“打日本”。

3.During your years of service at the Chek Lap Kok airport , is there anything memorable ?你在赤角机场服务的日子里,有没有一些难忘的事情呢?。

4.Chek red sky, slowly contracted the dark.赤红色的天空,徐徐染上了暗色。

5.Chek in the Jiao Yazi, the flooding was very white, black marble surface and form a strong contrast.赤着的脚丫子,被水浸得很白,与黑色的大理石路面形成强烈的反差。

6.Chek Lap Kok and Lam Chau islands were pnked together to create a base for a new international airport.赤鱲角和榄洲岛被连接在一起做为新国际机场的基地。

7.Shape of furnace structure , the whole site is protected within the conservation area of Chek Lap Kok Island .铸炉遗迹的外貌,整个遗址保留在赤角岛的环境保护区内。

8.As Chek Lap Kok rises, however, another new Asian island is sinking back into the sea.然而在ChekLapKok升起的时候其他的新的亚洲岛屿沉没到海里。

9.Owners of gold tin, gold CHEK, wins fight to show off their wealth, ingenuity and unparalleled oath carved Chinese building construction.业主金锡之、金植之,为炫富斗胜,别出心裁,誓建华夏无双的雕花楼。

10.Zheng Jian herpes zoster, or fester Yam swelpng or pain urinating short Chek Shibuya, Mu Chi headache, Shehong moss Huang.症见带状疱疹、阴肿或溃烂或小便短赤涩痛、目赤头痛,舌红苔黄。