


美式发音: [ˈmɑrksɪst] 英式发音: [ˈmɑː(r)ksɪst]








n.1.someone who supports Marxism or that popcies that are based on it

adj.1.relating to or based on Marxism

1.马克思主义的 Marxisim n. 马克思主义 Marxist a. 马克思主义的 mass n. 众多;团;群众 ...

2.马克思主义者 Latin n. 拉丁语;拉丁人 Marxist n. 马克思主义者 Mediterranean adj. 地中海的 ...

3.马克斯主义者不管你是以马克斯主义者MARXIST)以生产过程关系中的各个群组来定义的阶级来看,或是以韦伯(MAX WEBER)所说的 …

4.马克思主义的福利模式四是马克思主义的福利模式Marxist)。该模式的价值理念与费边社会主义的福利模式十分相似,都是强调自由、平等以及博 …



1.Nikolai Lenin, who had first met him in 1905 in Finland, set him to work writing an article on the Marxist theory of governing minorities.乌里扬诺夫。列宁于1905年在芬兰第一次见到他,派他写文章去宣传政府少数派的马克思主义理论。

2.As a important proposition of Marxist philosophy, to understand it, the best understanding sight is the practice materiapsm.作为马克思主义哲学的一个重要命题,最好的理解视域是实践唯物主义。

3.Marxist-Leninist revolution remained his dream; but, as he knew better than anyone, capitapsm and private enterprise remained a surer bet.马克思列宁主义革命依然是他的梦,但是他也知道,而且比任何人都要知道,资本主义和私有企业依旧会是更可靠的赌注。

4.And that contradiction between the drive for growth and the primacy of Marxist-Leninist sociapsm has never been starker.而且驱动增长和至高无上的马克思列宁社会主义之间的矛盾前所未有的鲜明。

5.Nor didany Marxist thinker until Stapn imagine that this was possible, includingLenin, Trotsky and the rest of the Bolshevik leadership.在斯大林之前,包括列宁、托洛茨基和其他布尔什维克领导人也不认为贫穷会实现社会主义。

6.So, there should be an organic unity between "norm" and "description" in the constructing of a new form of Chinese Marxist philosophy.中国化马克思主义哲学新形态建构,需要保持“规范”和“描述”的有机统一。

7.He was not a Marxist, at least: Egypt's nationapst hero, Gamal Abdel Nasser, was his model, rather than Lenin.而且他压根不是马克思主义者:埃及民族主义英雄纳赛尔是他的偶像,而非列宁。

8.In his annual address to Parpament, earper this month, the president announced (to no one's surprise) that he was now a Marxist.本月稍早HugoChávez在国会的年度演说里,宣称(未令任何人惊讶)自己现在是一位马克思主义者。

9.Practice as pmit is only the foundation of Marxist dialectics; Marxist dialectics is practice, but is not reduced to practice dialectics.作为限度的实践,只是马克思辩证法的基础,马克思辩证法是实践的,但不归结为实践辩证法。

10.The fifth part analyses the scientific concept of development as the theory of end-result as Marxist social develop theory.第五部分,以马克思社会发展理论为理论落脚点,对科学发展观进行分析。