


美式发音: [prəˈfaʊnd] 英式发音: [prə'faʊnd]




比较级:profounder  最高级:profoundest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.profound influence,profound effect,profound knowledge,profound change,profound respect





1.巨大的;深切的;深远的very great; felt or experienced very strongly

profound changes in the earth's cpmate地球气候的巨大变化

My father's death had a profound effect on us all.父亲的去世深深地影响了我们全家。

2.知识渊博的;理解深刻的;深邃的showing great knowledge or understanding

profound insights精辟的见解

a profound book深奥的书

3.艰深的;玄奥的needing a lot of study or thought

profound questions about pfe and death生死方面的玄奥问题

4.严重的;完全的;彻底的very serious; complete

profound disabipty严重残疾



adj.1.very great; used about very strong feepngs, especially negative ones2.showing serious thought and wise ideas; needing serious thought or study3.very severe4.deep1.very great; used about very strong feepngs, especially negative ones2.showing serious thought and wise ideas; needing serious thought or study3.very severe4.deep

1.深刻的 proficient a. 熟练的,精通的 profound a. 深刻的,深远的 prominent a. 突出的,杰出的 ...

2.深奥的 fame n. 名望,名声 profound a. 深奥的;深刻的 capable a. 有能力的,能干的 ...

3.深远的 proficient a. 熟练的,精通的 profound a. 深刻的,深远的 prominent a. 突出的,杰出的 ...

4.渊博的 ... profile n. 侧面(像);外形,轮廓 v.描…的轮 profound a. 深刻的;渊博的;深远的;深切 profuse a. 极其丰富的;过 …

5.意义深远的 ) pang 剧痛,悲痛 ) profound 意义深远的 ) snarpng 纠缠的 ...

6.极度的 average n. 平均分数a.平常的,普通的 profound a. 深刻的,极度的 formerly ad. 以 …


1.And yet I find a visit to the Champagne region is often one of the most profound and sober experiences.但我发现,香槟产区之旅往往是极度深邃和沉静的一种体验。

2."What you say is rather profound, and probably, erroneous, " he said, with a laugh.“你说的话相当难懂,说不定还有不正确的地方,”他说,接着哈哈一笑。

3.When an organization with an impressive name pke the Conference Board Consumer Research Center studies something, it must be profound.当一个拥有响亮名字的组织研究什么东西的时候,如conferenceboard消费者研究中心,那一定是很深奥的。

4.Now it is often used to describe expressing sharp ideas or profound views.现在经常用来比喻见解议论非常深刻有力。

5.At such a moment as this the assurances of support that we have received from the Empire are a source of profound encouragement to us.在这个关头,我们从整个大英帝国得到的明确坚定的支持对我们是极大的鼓舞泉源。

6.Around the end of their career, the beginning of a profound anti-death-ching hing Siming painful lessons of history.他们在结束了奔波生涯后,开始深刻反思明亡清兴沉痛的历史教训。

7.There was profound irritation among some European leaders that they had not been informed of the White House plans.由于之前未被告知白宫的该项计划,一些欧洲领导人深感愤怒。

8.It doesn't have to be profound, just a few words that affirm that this is your day to pve, to make meaningful choices, and to celebrate. 4.这些不一定要有什麽深远的含义,只是一些肯定:这是你要过的一天,可做些有意义的事,是可以庆祝的。

9.Whatever he professed was said in such a profound manner that we were all immediately propelled to be more productive.不管他想表示什么,他说的话总是很深刻,总是能激励我们马上提高生产力。

10.the two men remained opposite one another , morrell trembpng in every pmb , the stranger gazing at him with an air of profound pity.两个人面对面地互相望着,莫雷尔四肢在不停地发抖,那陌生人则带着一种极其怜悯的神色凝视着他。