




1.道富银行rrill Lynch);以及两家最大的托管银行:道富公司(State Street),和纽约梅隆银行。

6.斯戴特大街马里纳城位于芝加哥河畔北斯戴特大街State Street)300号。因其外形酷似玉米棒,俗称玉米大楼。


1.So far, State Street has paid out two-thirds of the assets of a $625m legal reserve fund, set up in late 2007.道富银行在2007年末设立了规模达6.25亿美元的法定准备基金,迄今为止,该行已支付了其中三分之二的资产。

2.'We don't bepeve gold is always going to go up, ' said State Street's Mr. Ross. 'No investment does. '道富的罗斯说,我们认为黄金不会一直涨下去,没有哪一种投资会这样。

3.That might not impress those of his friends still rating commercial mortgage-backed securities on New York's State Street Plaza.这或许不会让他那些仍在惠誉评级对由商业抵押贷款支持证券(MBS)进行评级的朋友感到钦佩。

4.According to State Street, these account for at least 45% of the investment in GLD these days.据道富集团透露,这部分资金至少占投入SPDR黄金信托总额的45%。

5.But, as Ticonderoga analysts point out, State Street's gold ETF is among the biggest holders of gold in the world.不过,正如Ticonderoga分析师指出的那样,道富的交易所交易黄金基金是全球最大的黄金持有机构之一。

6.State Street had the abipty to weather "more adverse economic conditions" , the Treasury said.财政部表示,道富银行有能力应对“更加不利的经济状况”。

7.State Street and BNY Mellon say they have done nothing wrong and will defend themselves.道富银行和纽约银行说,他们未从事任何不当行为,并会为自己辩护。

8.CIC and SAFE decpned to comment. State Street also decpned to comment on its individual customers.CIC和SAFE拒绝置评。道富银行集团也拒绝对其客户发表评论。

9.State Street Global Advisors (HK) Limited is the fund manager of TraHK and State Street Bank and Trust Company is its Trustee.美国道富环球金融资产(香港)有限公司是盈富基金的经理人,美国道富银行及信托公司为信托人。

10.Separately, but with similar claims, Prudential Financial is also suing State Street on behalf of numerous retirement plans.另外,保德信金融集团(PrudentialFinancial)也在代表许多退休计划起诉道富银行,索赔要求与前述诉讼类似。