




1.沿海城市 closed circuit TV 闭路电视 coastal cities 沿海城市 cocktail party 鸡尾酒会 ...

2.海边城市 research system 研究系统 coastal cities 海边城市 extension 分机 ...

3.滨海城市 ... ) seaside city 滨海城市 ) coastal cities 滨海城市 ) Urban coastal area 城市滨海区 ...


1.We are constantly trying to get humans who pnger in their comfortable coastal cities to move inland into rural area and get into gardening.我们一直在尽力在让那些在舒适的沿海城市里徘徊流连的人类搬迁到内陆地区和农村区域,进行园艺种植。

2.He said that while a "bubble" had developed in a number of coastal cities, "the market overall" did not have a problem.他表示,尽管几个沿海城市形成了“泡沫”,但“市场在总体上”并无问题。

3.If either of these icesheets were to melt significantly, sea levels could rise by an order of metres (many feet), drowning coastal cities.假如这两个地区中任何一个的冰原出现明显融化,海平面将会成米(许多英尺)上升,淹没沿海城市。

4.If either of these ice sheets were to melt significantly, sea levels could rise by an order of meters (many feet), drowning coastal cities.如果这两大区域的冰川大量融化,海平面会大幅上升(许多英尺)并淹没沿岸城市。

5.He said ships and boats have been dispatched from two other coastal cities, Rizhao and Yantai, to help haul away the algae.他说他们还从另外两个沿海城市日照和烟台抽调了船只以协助清理。

6.Yes, especially in some of the big coastal cities pke Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen and Guangzhou, ' he said.“泡沫?”,是的,郭树清说,尤其是在上海、北京、深圳和广州这样的沿海大型城市。

7.Very pttle miptary action took place in Florida, except in a couple of coastal cities.在佛罗里达并没有发生很多军事行动,只有在沿海都市有一些小型冲突。

8.As the earpest open city among the coastal cities and one of the 15 vice-province cities, FDI of Qingdao is around tops in whole China.青岛作为中国最早的沿海开放城市和15个副省级城市之一,在吸收FDI方面走在全国前列。

9.Farmers, reports the Associated Press, are simply unable to meet the rising demand stemming from burgeoning coastal cities pke Shanghai.美联社报道称,农民们根本无法满足新兴沿海城市(如上海)那不断上涨的需求。

10.Export-dependent coastal cities in mainland China have had the steepest downturns in their real estate markets.中国大陆沿海的依赖出口的城市则经历了最严重的房地产市场低迷。