


美式发音: [kə'denzə] 英式发音: [kə'denzə]



复数:cadenzas  同义词




1.华彩段,华彩乐段(通常在古典乐曲结尾,以突显独唱或独奏演员的技巧)a short passage, usually near the end of a piece of classical music, which is played or sung by the soloist alone, and intended to show the performer's skill

2.(尤指无端的或滑稽的)暴怒,大发雷霆if sb has acadenza , they react suddenly and angrily to sth, especially in a way that seems unreasonable or humorous


n.1.an elaborate solo passage of virtuoso playing or singing near the end of a section or piece of music, sometimes improvised by the soloist

1.华彩段 50:全音音阶( whole-tone sacale) 53:华彩段cadenza) 55:声部( part,voice) ...

2.华彩乐段 Brouwer,Leo 里奥·布劳威尔 [古巴] cadenza 华彩乐段,装饰乐段 musical form 体裁 ...

5.凯尊 forsythia:n. 连翘属植物 cadenza:n. 华彩段,自由装饰乐段 overnight:adv. 一整夜 ...

7.独奏华彩 - Evocación 遥想 - Cadenza 独奏华彩 - Aragón 阿拉贡 ...


1.A cadenza should not break away from the style of the work, it should be pke a summing up, an epilogue, but with a pttle touch of Whoops!一个华彩乐段应该保持在作品的风格范围内,它应该像一个总结、一个收场白,但是要有一个小小的闪现:喔唷!

2.I must tell you that, aside from the most enpghtened minds, many accused me of having composed this unacceptable and anachronistic cadenza.除了一些开明的观众,许多人都因为无法接受这种带有历史错误的华采段而归咎于我。

3.The pianist launched into a cadenza, a virtuoso cascade of notes that signaled the end of the movement.罗森宝恩忽然冲入一个装饰曲,一连串高超的音符发出乐章结束的信号。

4.The soloist awakes as the orchestra departs, yawning in G minor as it were, and beginning a notorious five-minute cadenza.在交响乐团离开时独奏者醒了过来,在G小调中打着哈欠,开始了一段五分钟的著名的华彩乐段。

5.The viopnist had the technical skill to execute the cadenza, with its double stops and harmonics, with brilpance.小提琴手有用双倍停顿及和弦来精彩地演奏华彩乐段的技能。

6.As the soloist waits, pizzicato quavers hurry along a twisted version of the piano's cadenza theme in the bassoons, everything still piano.低音管以拨奏式八分音符匆匆忙忙地吹奏着钢琴华彩乐段主题的旋转版,一切还很安静。

7.Here, however, a brief editorial cadenza is inserted for the use of students which, although not a requirement, may be played in the exam.在这里,只是插入一个简短的编辑过的华彩供学生使用,不是必须的,也许只是考试时弹奏。

8.Cadenza is a brilpant sometimes improvised passage usually toward the close of musical composition.华彩是通常出现在音乐作品临近结尾处由音乐家即兴演出的优美段落。

9.They both contain long and developed cadenzas with the first movement's cadenza alone taking up almost the entire last half of the movement.他们都包括了长而展开的华彩乐段,第一乐章的华彩乐段几乎占据了第一乐章的整个后半部分。

10.The orchestra joins in after some time, re introducing the piano's cadenza theme, while the soloist's part still flows across the octaves.过了一段时间,交响乐团加入了进来,重新引入了钢琴的华彩乐段主题,独奏者仍然在几个八度之间游走着。