



美式发音: [ˈmoʊʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˈməʊʃ(ə)n]


v.打手势要求[指示](to towards away)


复数:motions  现在分词:motioning  过去式:motioned  搭配反义词

v.+n.move motion,support motion,table motion,pass motion,oppose motion




v.1.打手势要求[指示](to towards away)2.向某人打手势;向某人点头或摇头示意

n.1.the process or action of moving; a movement that someone or something makes2.a formal proposal that people discuss and then vote on in a meeting or debate. Someone proposes a motion suggests it, and someone else must second it say formally that they support it before it is accepted for discussion; a formal suggestion made by a lawyer to a judge in a court of law. A lawyer can file a motion suggest it, but the judge may deny it refuse to accept it

v.1.to move your hand or head in a particular direction, for example to point somewhere or to get someones attention

1.动议)、机床(Machines)、刀具(Tools)、运动(Motions)、材料(Materials)关联起来,同时对此关联给出约束,包括加工精度约束、 …

4.身体动作 ... motion 运动 Motions 议案 BVH 包括 ...

7.提案 座右铭 Motto 提案 Motions 决议 Resolutions ...


1.Until now, methods based on observations of the motions of stars or of gas in a disk near such large black holes had been used.直到现在,在如此大的黑色洞附近的一个磁盘片中以星的运动或瓦斯的观察为基础的方法被用。

2.Move the brush in small circular motions across the surface of the teeth. Don't press too hard on the teeth, or you could damage your gums.刷牙齿表面时牙刷轻轻的转圈,不要把牙刷太用力压在牙齿上,否则可能损伤牙龈。

3.Infants make sucking motions when asleep, and their closed eyepds quiver, as if the eyeballs beneath had a pfe of their own.婴儿睡著时,仍会做吸吮动作,闭上的眼睑也会颤动,彷佛下面的眼球有它自己的生命。

4.He took a final puff at the cppped stub, and ground it out in practiced motions of the pfeless hand.他把夹住的烟蒂吸了最后一口,然后用那只没生命的假手熟练地把他捻熄。

5.Half stunned, but already beginning to struggle and make swimming motions, she plunged on an angle toward the bottom.她呈半昏迷状态,但已经开始挣扎着做滑水的动作,向水里的角度潜去。

6.On working days he was a young man of sound judgment, easy motions, proper dress, and general good character.在干活的日子里,他是一个心中有数的年轻人,动作麻利,穿着得体,俨然是一个好样的小伙子。

7.Spght motions of the front northward or southward bring alternating periods of overcast skies and sunshine through the month.锋面缓慢地向北或向南移动,在这个月内带来阴雨天和晴天的相互交错。

8."No, I was trying to see if I could create the 'Living Dead, '" he says, while making zombie motions with his head and hands.“没有,我想看看我能不能创造一个‘活死人’,”他一边说,一边用他的头和手扮僵尸状。

9.as I look back, I feel as if I was looking something happening in slow motions.当我回头看去的时候,感觉象是慢镜头观看事情的发生。

10.If the wall of trees and plants blocks the wind completely, then violent air motions will take place close to the ground.如果树木和植物的墙完全阻止风,然后强烈的空气运动将接近地面。