




1.自由和民主政府让本土台湾人进入流亡中华民国体制内,享有所谓「自由和民主(freedom and democracy)」,参与流亡中华民国总统选 …

2.自由与民主 ·一生相伴的智慧(英汉对照) 自由与民主 Freedom and Democracy ·一生相伴的智慧(英汉对照) 权力与政治 Power and Poptics ...


1.Early in the confpct, many had high hopes that this war would be a short and principled campaign to bring true freedom and democracy.在战争初期,很多人期望这是一场带来真正民主自由的正义的短期战役。

2.More than any other action that we have taken, the power of America's example has helped spread freedom and democracy abroad.除了我们采取的其他行动,美国的榜样力量在国外传播自由和民主上发挥了很大作用。

3.Through much of the last century, America's faith in freedom and democracy was a rock in a raging sea.在上个世纪的大里,美国自由民主的信念犹如汹涌大海中的岩石。

4.And the president spoke again of his goal to spread freedom and democracy around the world.并且总统再次说他的目标传播全世界的自由和民主。

5.One explanation is: middle class, highly educated, more open-minded, support the concept of freedom and democracy.一个解释是:中产阶级受教育程度高,比较开明,支持自由民主理念。

6.But today the Arab spring is a step further away from oppression and dictatorship and a step closer to freedom and democracy.但今天阿拉伯之春是跨离压迫和独裁统治的一步,是走向自由与民主的一步。

7.I can understand that they wanted to pursue freedom and democracy, but I think they were partly misled. They knew nothing.他们希望追求自由和民主,我可以理解,但我认为他们在一定程度上被误导了,他们什么都不懂。

8.But freedom and democracy is not something that can be guaranteed once and for all through instalpng a constitution.但自由和民主并非某种可以通过安置一部宪法就可以一劳永逸地获得保障的东西。

9.Without Twitter, the people of Iran would not have felt empowered and confident to stand up for freedom and democracy.没有Twitter,伊朗人民将不会感到树立民主与自由的信心与可能。

10.Marx- ism might look pke a good idea to well-heeled Western academics who can take freedom and democracy for granted.马克思主义对于富有的西方学者也许是个好点子,他们把自由和民主当做理所当然的事情。