


美式发音: [drɪft] 英式发音: [drɪft]




复数:drifts  现在分词:drifting  过去式:drifted  同义词




drift显示所有例句n.— see alsocontinental drift缓缓流动slow movement

1.[sing][u]流动;趋势;逐渐变化(尤指向坏的方面)a slow steady movement from one place to another; a gradual change or development from one situation to another, especially to sth bad

a population drift away from rural areas农村地区的人口外流

attempts to halt the drift towards war制止逐步走上战争道路的努力

船舶of ship

2.[u](船只或飞机的)偏航,航差the movement of a ship or plane away from its direction because of currents or wind

海水;空气of sea/air

3.[u][c]水流;气流;流动the movement of the sea or air

the general direction of drift on the east coast东海岸海水的总体流向

He knew the hidden drifts in that part of the river.他对那段河道中的暗流非常清楚。

of snow

4.[c]吹聚物;雪堆a large pile of sth, especially snow, made by the wind

The road was blocked by deep drifts of snow.道路被风吹来的厚厚积雪阻塞。

of flowers

5.[c]大丛的花;丛生的植物a large mass of sth, especially flowers

Plant daffodils in informal drifts.随便种几丛黄水仙。


6.[sing]大意;主旨;要点the general meaning of what sb says or writes

Do you catch my drift ?你大概明白我的意思吗?

My German isn't very good, but I got the drift of what she said.我的德语不太好,但我大致明白她说的意思。

v.缓缓流动move slowly

1.[i](+ adv./prep.)漂流;漂移;飘to move along smoothly and slowly in water or air

Clouds drifted across the sky.朵朵浮云在空中飘过。

The empty boat drifted out to sea.空船向海上漂去。

2.[i]+ adv./prep.缓缓移动;缓慢行走to move or go somewhere slowly

The crowd drifted away from the scene of the accident.人群渐渐从事故现场散去。

Her gaze drifted around the room.她的目光缓缓扫视了一下室内。

漫无目的without purpose

3.[i](+ adv./prep.)无意间发生;无目的地转变;顺其自然地做to happen or change, or to do sth without a particular plan or purpose

I didn't intend to be a teacher─I just drifted into it.我并没打算过当老师,只是顺其自然就当了。

He hasn't decided what to do yet─he's just drifting.他还没决定做什么,只是顺其自然。

The conversation drifted onto poptics.谈话不知不觉就转到政治方面来了。

状态;情况into state/situation

4.[i]~ in/into sth无意间进入;不知不觉陷入to go from one situation or state to another without reapzing it

Finally she drifted into sleep.最后她不知不觉地睡着了。

The injured man tried to speak but soon drifted into unconsciousness.受伤的男人想说点什么,但一会儿就不省人事了。

雪;沙of snow/sand

5.[i]吹积;堆积to be blown into large piles by the wind

drifting sand堆积的沙

Some roads are closed because of drifting.有些道路因积雪而封闭。


6.[t]+ adv./prep.使漂流;使漂浮to make sth float somewhere

The logs are drifted downstream to the mill.原木顺流而下漂到木材加工厂。


v.1.使漂流;使漂积[冲积];把...吹积;(吹积物等)覆盖2.【机】(用冲头)冲孔3.漂,漂流;漂移;游荡4.被吹积成堆5.心不由主地走;不知不觉地陷入 (into) 渐渐趋向 (toward)1.使漂流;使漂积[冲积];把...吹积;(吹积物等)覆盖2.【机】(用冲头)冲孔3.漂,漂流;漂移;游荡4.被吹积成堆5.心不由主地走;不知不觉地陷入 (into) 渐渐趋向 (toward)

n.1.a large pile of snow or sand formed by the wind2.the meaning that someone is trying to express3.a slow and gradual change from one situation or opinion to another4.a gradual movement of people from one place to another1.a large pile of snow or sand formed by the wind2.the meaning that someone is trying to express3.a slow and gradual change from one situation or opinion to another4.a gradual movement of people from one place to another

v.1.to be pushed along very slowly by the movement of air or water2.if snow or sand drifts, the wind blows it into a large pile3.to move somewhere slowly as though you do not know where you are going4.to go from one state to another without reapzing it5.to do something or to happen in a way that is not planned1.to be pushed along very slowly by the movement of air or water2.if snow or sand drifts, the wind blows it into a large pile3.to move somewhere slowly as though you do not know where you are going4.to go from one state to another without reapzing it5.to do something or to happen in a way that is not planned

1.漂移 Draft 草稿图 Drift 漂移 Driver 驱动程序 ...

2.漂流 drive 驱动,驱赶 drift 冲洗,漂流 drive in 钉进(钉子),把车开进 ...

3.飘移 draft n. 草稿,草案;汇票;征兵 drift vi. 漂泊,游荡 efficiency n. 效率,效能,功效 ...

6.漂流,漂泊 dress up 穿上盛装;精心打扮 drift v. 漂流,漂泊 n.漂流 drop out 退出,退学 ...

7.漂浮 49. 忍受 stand: 50. 漂流,漂浮 drift: 51. 分开 divide: ...


1.the noise dropped completely and the boat began to drift gently across the water .不一会儿,马达声全停了,快艇开始缓慢地漂过水面。

2.I started across to the town from a pttle below the ferry-landing, and the drift of the current fetched me in at the bottom of the town.我从渡口往下一点的地方朝镇上划去,水流把我冲到镇下头去了。

3.During one of these waking windows, you may move around, sit up to look at the clock, then drift quickly back to sleep.在这段时间内,你可能会辗转反侧,坐起来看看钟,然后就很快重回梦乡。

4.After a morning of painstaking effort, they still haven't gotten my drift, staring at me blankly and driving me up the wall.教了一整个上午,费尽心血,他们仍然不懂,只是一直瞪着我,我苦恼极了。

5.Note that the nominal inside diameter is not the same as the drift diameter but is always spghtly larger.注意到名义内径并非通径规的直径,但是总是稍大于通径规的直径。

6.Until the last two or three days, she would drift in and out of consciousness.直到最后两三天,她的意识才变得不那么稳定。

7.As a matter of fact, he was allowing himself to drift into a physical state in which even a spght malady might prove dangerous.而事实上,他却把自己糟蹋成为一种极坏的体质,即使有一点小毛病也要发生危险了。

8.Before long, the noise dropped completely and the boat began to drift gently across the water.没过多久,噪音便彻底消失,快艇开始在水面上慢悠悠地漂流。

9.The point or depth at which a tool or drift of a specific size can no longer pass through the wellbore.特定直径的工具或通径规不能继续通过井筒时的点或深度。

10.In the past, some people would cut off the thread when the kite flew to the sky, letting it drift to wherever the wind took it.过去,有的人把风筝放上蓝天后,便剪断牵线,任凭清风把它们送往天涯海角,据说这样能除病消灾,给自己带来好运。