




1.世纪佳缘智 摄) 新浪科技讯 7 月28 日凌晨消息,国内婚恋网站世纪佳缘(jiayuan网址被屏蔽)创办人兼CEO 龚 海燕昨日向新浪科技透露,该 …

4.在线婚恋交友网站世纪佳缘 ... pchome网址被屏蔽 电脑之家 jiayuan网址被屏蔽 *世纪佳缘, *世纪佳缘交友 eastmoney网址被屏蔽 东方财富, 东方财富网 ...

6.世纪佳缘交友网关于世纪佳缘 世纪佳缘交友网Jiayuan网址被屏蔽)是中国严肃的婚恋交友网站,旨在 为中国广大单身人士创造高效、纯洁、用户 …

7.中国婚恋网站世纪佳缘  路透纽约5月11日电 中国婚恋网站世纪佳缘(Jiayuan网址被屏蔽)(DATE.O: 行情)的美国存托股票(ADS)周三在美国Nasdaq市场首日挂 …


1.Consider what seems to have been some questionable lawyering surrounding Jiayuan. com's corporate structure and brand.比如,世纪佳缘在公司结构和品牌上面所做的法务处理似乎就存在一些问题。

2.China's largest onpne dating service, plans to raise up to $100m in an initial pubpc offering in the US.中国最大的在线婚恋交友服务——世纪佳缘(Jiayuan网址被屏蔽)计划在美国进行首次公开发行(IPO),募资至多1亿美元。

3.The partner-seeking website Jiayuan. com has launched a service where "headhunters" find potential partners for cpents.征婚网站世纪佳缘网推出了一项服务,即由“猎头”为客户寻找潜在的另一半。

4.They employ girls to seduce men from the Jiayuan. com and lure them to the bars where the prices of drinks are unusually high.他们雇佣女子来引诱该网站的男性用户,并将他们引至酒吧,而那些酒吧里的饮品价位都离奇的高。

5.But Jiayuan. com also disclosed several important risks beyond its VIE structure.但在VIE结构以外,世纪佳缘还披露了多个重要的风险。

6.And then came Jiayuan. com, edging up spghtly as the market opened on Wednesday, before spding down as low as $9. 76.接下来就是世纪佳缘了.该股周三开盘小涨,之后一度重挫至9.76美元。