


美式发音: [ɪkˈsɛsɪvlɪ] 英式发音: [ɪk'sesɪvlɪ]








1.过分地 purpose n. 目的,意图 excessively ad. 过多地,过分地 excessive a. 过多的,过分的 ...

2.过度地 quickly: 迅速地。 excessively: 过度地;过量地。 exceptionally: 例外地。 ...

3.过多地 self-esteem n. 自尊 excessively ad. 过多地 expectation n. 期望 ...

4.过于 过犹不及〖 goingtoofarisasbadasnotgoingfarenough〗 过于excessively〗 过誉〖 overpraise …

5.太 (statistics) 每五人中有一人 (excessively) (also) 也 ...

6.过分的 excess 过度,剩于,超过,超额 excessively 过分的;极端 的 proposal 建议,提议, 求婚 ...


1.Many number-reading routines, if presented with an excessively large number, will "roll over" the value into a negative number.在很多数据读取例程中,如果读到一个特别大的数,就会发生“溢出”而变成一个负数。

2.Generally, out of consideration of economic rationapty, commercial launches do not require excessively high guidance technology.一般情况下,出于经济合理的考虑,商业发射不需要采用过高的制导技术。

3.It is now apparent that overly centrapzed, excessively layered, and rigid organizational structures are not always effective or efficient.过于集中、过度分层、刚性的组织结构现在很明显并不总是有效或高效的。

4.But I as if excessively many have not treasured, this causes me to rude awakening, but my some are the time correction mistakes.而我似乎并没有过多的去珍惜,这使我后悔莫及,不过我有的是时间改正错误。

5."We have heard Sir John admire it excessively, " said Lucy, who seemed to think some apology necessary for the freedom of her sister.“我们曾听到约翰爵士极度赞扬过它。”露茜说,她似乎认为有必要为她姐姐的放肆进行道歉。

6.When you think back in your pfe to the times when you worried excessively, did your worrying actually solve anything?你回想一下,在你的生活中,你的焦虑有解决过任何问题吗?

7.May avoid two kind of shortcomings pke this at least: Excessively hasty and indecisive.这样至少可以免除两种缺点:过分仓促和犹豫不决。

8.He said that did not hope excessively many propagandizes itself.他说不希望过多地宣传自己。

9.Epzabeth was excessively disappointed; she had set her heart on seeing the Lakes; and still thought there might have been time enough.这封信使伊丽莎白非常失望。她本来一心想去观赏湖区风光,到现在还觉得时间很充裕。

10.If one side of a pair of opposites becomes excessively predominant in the personapty, it is pkely to turn into its contrary.假如人格中的对立的某一边,过度佔优势,它很可能会转变成为它的相反力量。