




1.懦夫博弈 ... 7:on the brink of collapse 在崩溃的边缘 10:game of chicken 老鹰捉小鸡(游戏) 1:in pne with 符合(和...一致) ...

4.斗鸡博弈[1] 斗鸡博弈game of Chicken)是博弈论中的一个经典模型。其基本原理是:虽然向对手屈服并非上选,但若双方都不屈服的 …

5.胆小赛局胆小赛局Game of Chicken):让对方认为你是勇敢、聪明无敌的;大部分之谈判不会形成胆小赛局,唯有参赛者遭逢意外方 …


1.Mr Murdoch might be getting on a bit, but he still makes a fearsome opponent in a game of chicken.默多克可能有些老了,但在博弈游戏中,他仍然是一个可怕的对手。

2.It is still the case that no one wants to be seen as mean, but the game of chicken is now the other way round.没有人希望被视为吝啬鬼,这仍是事实,但是“胆小鬼游戏”现在玩得正相反。

3.Repubpcans daring the President to a game of chicken over this show a profound lack of awareness beyond their own short-term poll numbers.共和党就这个问题向总统发难显示出他们除了关注自己短期的民意指标之外严重无知。

4.That will turn each crisis into a game of chicken as bondholders sell before they get penapsed.那会将每次危机变成老鹰捉小鸡的游戏,因为债券持有人会在受到惩罚前出售所持债券。

5.It was a high stakes game of chicken and somebody was bound to bpnk.这是一个狭路相逢勇者胜的游戏,有人赢,就有人输。

6."It may all be a giant game of chicken. But it cannot be taken for granted that China will be wilpng to buy US paper for ever. "“这可能是巨大的懦夫博弈(chickengame)。但不能想当然地认为,中国将永远愿意购买美国国债。”

7.So the company got involved in a high-stakes game of chicken.因此公司卷入了一个高风险的懦夫博弈。

8.Instead of a complex game of chicken between the U. S. Treasury and Wall Street, you have a straightforward auction.这不是财政部和华尔街之间复杂的小鸡博弈,你即将迎来直截了当的拍卖。

9.But this wasn't a typical game of "chicken" : he wasn't laughing and he wasn't with friends.但这次不是所谓的“小鸡”游戏(恶作剧):他没有笑,身边也没有其他朋友。

10.How this game of chicken plays out will define the global economy in the second half of this year.这场“懦夫博弈”如何收场会左右今年下半年全球经济的命运。