


美式发音: [neɪv] 英式发音: [neɪv]



复数:knaves  同义词

n.playing card,card,jack,picture card,court card



1.不诚实的男人(或男孩);无赖;恶棍a dishonest man or boy

n.1.流氓,无赖2.〈古〉仆人3.(纸牌中的)杰克 (Jack)

n.1.an old word meaning adishonest man2.a jack in card games

1.流氓 baton: 权杖 knave: 流氓 chapce: 圣餐杯 ...

2.无赖 knapsack 背包 knave 不诚实的人,无赖 knead 揉,按摩,捏制 ...

3.小丑 32. 小翅[ winglet] 33. 小丑[ clown;buffoon;knave;merry-andrew] 35. 小窗[ fenestrule] ...

4.恶棍 knarl 咆啸 knave 恶棍 knavery 欺诈 ...

5.流氓,恶棍 280. kin: 亲属。 281. knave: 流氓,恶棍。 282. lackey: 卑躬屈膝者, …

6.杰克 kitty 猫咪 knave 骗子 knead 搓揉 ...

8.不诚实的人 knapsack 背包 knave 不诚实的人,无赖 knead 揉,按摩,捏制 ...


1.The Knave shook his head sadly. 'Do I look pke it? 'he said.武士伤心地摇摇头说:“我像会游水的吗?”

2.Soldiers stood all around the Knave of Hearts, and near the King was the White Rabbit, with a trumpet in one hand.士兵们都站在红桃杰克周围,国王旁边站着白兔,手里拿着一个喇叭。

3.Knave: The warrior is ready to intervene; the young woman clutches his shoulders. Pleasant surprise, if the initiative is not misleading.武士准备干预;年轻女人抓紧他的肩膀。令人愉快的惊喜,如果不是把开端引错方向。

4.Describe the weaknesses of your approach and how you would compromise privacy in your system if you were a medical knave.如果你是一个医学上的高手,请在你的系统中阐述你的方法的弱点和你是如何揭开秘密的。

5.Knave : A young man or woman brings new ideas that seem brilpant ; but all that gptters is not gold . It's best to take time to evaluate .一个年轻男人或者女人提出新的似乎杰出的主意;但闪闪发光的未必是金。最后去拿的时候去估计。

6.We both of us happen'd to know, as well as the stationer, that Riddlesden, the attorney, was a very knave.我们两人,像那个文具商人一样,碰巧知道这个律师李德斯田是一个彻头彻尾的无赖。

7.Knave: Distrust of those who appear with deceiving attire and behave with false modesty. Honor is at risk.不信任那些以行骗服饰出现和假装诚实的行为表现的人。正直是危险的。

8.What do we do with a knave who goes missing or sets off with a wee bit more than his share of booty?对于一个一旦拿到稍多于他应得的战利品就失踪或者跑掉的流氓我们该怎样对付他呢?。

9.red knave on black queen: this patience (I could already tell) was not going to come out.红桃J放在黑桃皇后上面:我这样的耐心(我已经说了多遍)再没法出现了。

10.You wanted to bepeve every man was a knave with his soul for sale , and every woman who wasn't a whore was a fool!你试图相信每个男人都是出卖灵魂的无赖,每个女人不是妓女就是傻蛋。