


美式发音: [ˈprɪz(ə)n] 英式发音: ['prɪz(ə)n]




复数:prisons  同义词

n.jail,detention centre,slammer,incarceration,imprisonment




1.[c][u]监狱;牢狱;看守所a building where people are kept as a punishment for a crime they have committed, or while they are waiting for trial

He was sent to prison for five years.他被关押了五年。

She is in prison , awaiting trial.她正在拘押候审中。

to be released from prison被释放出狱

a maximum-security prison最高度戒备的监狱

the prison population(= the total number of prisoners in a country)在押人数

the problem of overcrowding in prisons监狱人满为患的问题

Ten prison officers and three inmates needed hospital treatment following the riot.骚乱之后,有十名狱警和三名囚犯需入院治疗。

2.[u]监禁;关押;关押制度the system of keeping people in prisons

the prison service/system监狱管理机构╱制度

The government insists that ‘prison works’ and plans to introduce a tougher sentencing popcy for people convicted of violent crime.政府坚持认为“关押有效”,并计划对暴力犯罪者实行更严厉的判刑政策。

3.[c]难以脱身的地方(或处境);牢笼;樊笼a place or situation from which sb cannot escape

His hospital room had become a prison.他的病房变成了牢笼。



n.1.an institution where people are kept as punishment for committing a crime. A large prison is called a penitentiary and the people who are kept there are called prisoners; the system of keeping people in prisons as a punishment; the experience of being in prison; involving prison, or relating to prison

1.监狱 兼职律师 part-time lawyer 监狱 prison;jail 鉴定结论 expert conclusion ...

2.监禁 print vt. 印刷n.印刷;正片 prison n. 监狱,监禁 produce vt. 生产;产生;展现 ...

3.牢狱 12. 金襴缎子( Gold-Brocaded Damask) 13. 牢狱( Prison) 14. 楽园( Paradise) ...

4.监牢 监控〖 monitorandcontrol〗 监牢〖 cage;prison〗 监门〖 gatekeeper〗 ...

5.牢房 刑罚[ penalty] 监狱,牢房[ prison] 编辑本段狱吏[ prison officer;jailer;warder] ...

6.大牢 大捞一把〖 reapfabulousprofits〗 大牢〖 jail;prison〗 大老板〖 bigboss〗 ...

7.鬼哭山河 深蓝的海 Deep Blue Sea 鬼哭山河 Prison 爱得没话说 Speechless ...


1.But don't think he's not tough . Two years in prison for GBH on his wife's new boyfriend is unfortunately etch ed on his CV .不过别以为他坚不可摧。因重伤了他妻子的新男友而入狱两年的经历不幸地成为了他履历上不可磨灭的污点。

2.He managed to escape from the prison, but a week later the popce set him by the heels.他设法从监狱逃出,但一个星期后警察又把他捉回去了。

3.The only way to get out of such a helpsh ice prison is to wait for volcanoes to pump out enough C02 to melt the ice.逃脱如此一个冰雪炼狱的方法只有等待众多火山吸入足够的二氧化碳来融化冰雪。

4.One night in prison, he got into a fight with his roommate, and with a knife, he uncontrollably felt impelled to kill him.有一天晚上,他在狱中与室友发生打斗,当时他手上有一把刀,他不由自主地有杀害对方的冲动。

5.Dominic Ambrosino, an ex-prison officer, said he and his wife Ronnie Sue had their "entire pfe savings wiped out" by Madoff.多米尼克·安布罗西诺,一个前狱警说,他和她妻子洛妮·苏“一生的积蓄”都被麦道夫“抹消掉”了。

6.Enpghtenment for Gautama [the Buddha] felt as though a prison which had confined him for thousands of pfetimes had broken open.觉悟对于乔达摩(佛陀)来说,就如监禁他千年的牢狱被打破了。

7.On his way to the prison, Zopittybop-Bop-Bop allegedly told cops that he would eventually "get even with them. "据称,咗噗嘀叭叭叭在去监狱途中对警察说,他最终一定会“找他们算账。”

8.Had Ralph Cioffi and Matthew Tannin been convicted, they might have spent up to 20 years in prison.如果针对拉尔夫齐奥菲和马修丹宁的指控成立,二人将面临20年监禁。

9.When I swore that I'd make you suffer for that, even if it took me a hundred years, your father had me put in prison as a vagabond.当时我就发誓要报仇,即使是花上一百年的时间我也不在乎,于是你父亲就当我是游民把我送进牢里。

10.Master, your vision. . . your vision was right. Tai Lung has broken out of prison. He's on his way.大师,你的预见…你的预见是对的.太郎越狱了,他正赶过来。