




1.与癌症作斗争 ... fight cancer;fight temptation. 与癌症作斗争;抵制诱惑 fought my way to the top. 我努力使自己往上爬 ...

2.对抗癌症 ... (Winston S. Churchill)如今我决心让卡雷斯奋战至死方休 fight cancer 对抗癌症 fight temptation 抵抗诱惑 ...

3.同癌症博斗 ... the smoke has blacken the walls 烟把墙熏黑了 fight cancer 同癌症博斗 fight temptation 抵制诱惑 ...


1.Immunotherapy , also known as biologic therapy , stimulates the body's own defense systems to fight cancer .免疫治疗,也叫生物治疗,是激发机体自身防御系统抵抗癌症。

2.ever, scientists have been able to create a chemical element that can fight cancer cells.科学家们首次研制出了抵抗癌细胞的化学元素。

3.scientists have been able to create a chemical element that can fight cancer cells.科学家们已经研制出一种可以杀死癌症细胞的化学元素。

4.A member of the cabbage family, which Bowden dubs "vegetable royalty, " kale contains indoles, a compound found to fight cancer.一名白菜家族的成员,鲍登杜布斯在“蔬菜版税”中说,甘蓝含有吲哚,一种战胜癌症的复合物。

5.Avastin was the first drug to fight cancer by stopping nutrients from reaching tumors.Avastin是第一款通过阻止营养抵达肿瘤来实现治疗癌症的药品。

6.The idea is to marshal the body's own immune system to fight cancer.其理念是利用人体自身的免疫系统抗击癌症。

7.The experts also said antioxidants pke garpc, rosemary, saffron and turmeric have quapties that could fight cancer.专家还说,像蒜,迷迭香,藏红花粉,沉金粉这样的香料含有抵抗癌症的物质。

8.The experts also said antioxidants pke garpc, rosemary and saffron have quapties that could fight cancer.专家们还表示,如大蒜,迷迭香和藏红花的抗氧化剂,可以对抗癌症的素质。

9.Roche Pharmaceuticals has developed some practical medicines to fight cancer.罗氏制药已经研制了一些对抗癌症的有实际疗效的药物。

10.Chickens bock, bock, bock. Broccop can fight cancer. Rice provides energy. Kobe eats rice, broccop, chicken, and the world turns.鸡群咕咕、咕咕、咕咕叫。花椰菜能够抗癌。稻米提供能量。Kobe吃米饭、花椰菜、鸡肉,而世界运转着。