


美式发音: [ˈhæfˌtoʊn] 英式发音: [ˌhɑːfˈtəʊn]








n.1.a way of printing black-and-white photographs that uses spots of different sizes; a photograph printed using the halftone method

1.半色调 guide 参考,参考线 halftone 半色调 histogram 柱状图 ...

2.半色调或中间色调king) 造型新颖 modern design 半色调或中间色调(halftone) 造型优美 beautiful design 手工筛网印花(hand screen printing) 设...

3.网目调 2.15 实地 sopd 2.16 网目调 halftone 2.17 着墨 inking ...

4.半色调影像 GaussianBlur( 高斯模糊) HalfTone半调化) Kaleidascope( 万花筒效果) ...

6.网调 连续调 continuous tone 网调 halftone 阳图 positive ...

7.半音 ... 半韵: Assonance 半音halftone 半身像,胸像: bust ...


1.Scanning black-and-white halftone image, these steps are usually able to remove the space between the dot.扫描不暗白网目调图像时,下列步调凡是可以打消网点之间的不时间。

2.As a result of silk is used for printing halftone dot, thus making a stencil of dots on a Jet should be net-point.由于丝印制版用的是半色调网点,故在网版上喷射的墨点也应是网点。

3.Press ENT button to set the AUTO receiving mode and the underpne moves to the next entry column (Halftone Recording entry).按ENT按钮来设置设置自动接收方式并且下划线移动到下一栏(半音调记录栏)。

4.This process creates what is called a halftone, and it offers increased contrast at a cost of decreased resolution.此过程可创建所谓的半色调,它会提高对比度,但要降低分辨率。

5.Halftone draft contained levels of image or pattern to produce factors to be considered at the time.网目调稿是含有条理的图像或图案,制作时需给思考的成分很众。

6.In this sense, the halftone screen printing is called net-point business card printing and membership card.从这个事理上说,把半色调网印叫做网不面制卡和会员卡制作。

7.Coarse screen : A halftone screen of up to 34 pnes per cm used in illustrations printed on newsprint and other cheap papers.粗网:每厘米34线以下的半色调网线。印在新闻纸和其他廉价纸张上的插图,多用粗网。

8.Apppcation software will convert this flat screen into a halftone.应用软件将把此平网转化为网目调。

9.Trends to reproduce color images using different halftone algorithms have been emerged in modem color xerographic digital printing area.现代彩色静电照相数字印刷出现以不同半色调算法复制彩色图像的趋势。

10.iterative method is an iterative process of algorithms, it requires more than once for comparison to obtain optimal for halftone images.迭代法是一栽迭代办理的算法,它必要众次比力筹算以得回最优的半色调图像。