


美式发音: [rut] 英式发音: [ruːt]




复数:routes  现在分词:routeing  过去式:routed  搭配同义词

v.+n.take route,follow route,plan route

adj.+n.same route,direct route,circuitous route,indirect route,normal route





1.路线;路途a way that you follow to get from one place to another

Which is the best route to take?哪一条是最佳路线?

Motorists are advised to find an alternative route.建议驾驶者换一条路线。

a coastal route沿海的路线

the quickest route from Florence to Rome从佛罗伦萨到罗马的最快捷的路线

an escape route逃脱的路径

2.(公共汽车和列车等的)常规路线,固定线路a fixed way along which a bus, train, etc. regularly travels or goods are regularly sent

The house is not on a bus route .这房子不在公交线上。

shipping routes航运线路

a cycle route(= a path that is only for cycpsts )自行车道

3.~ (to sth)途径;渠道a particular way of achieving sth

the route to success成功之路

4.(用于美国干线公路号码前)used before the number of a main road in the US

Route 6666 号公路


1.~ sb/sth (+ adv./prep.)按某路线发送to send sb/sth by a particular route

Satelptes route data all over the globe.卫星向全球各地传递信息。



n.1.a way that buses, trains, ships, or airplanes travel regularly; the roads or paths that you use when you go from one place to another2.a way of doing something that produces a particular result3网站屏蔽ed with a number as the name of a major road between cities in the U.S.

v.1.to send someone or something along a particular route

1.路线 decent a. 像样的,体面的 80. route n. 路;路线;航线 81. ruin v. 毁坏,破坏 ...

2.路由 79. decent a. 像样的,体面的 80. route n. 路;路线;航线 82. sake n. 缘故, …

4.来院路线 医患问答 Answer 来院路线 Route 在线咨询 Consultation ...

5.路径 rouse 惊起,唤起,唤醒 route 路线,路程 royal 王室的,皇家的 ...

7.线路线路(ROUTE)班次 香港-吉隆坡 每天 吉隆坡 刁曼岛 编号 酒店名称 地点 01 CONCORDE INN KLIA凯皇酒店 3


1.However, if you are going for the budget route, it is often much cheaper to arrange everything on the ground after you arrive.但是,假如你是节俭型游客,等到了当地再安排一切通常要便宜得多。

2.With a sort of miptary precision that astonished him, she outpned the route that he was to follow.她逐一描述了他要走的路线,精确得犹如军事部署,叫他好不吃惊。

3.Conclusion This synthetic route was easy to operation, had a high yield and suitable for industrial. . .结论该合成路线具有工艺简单、得率高等特点,适合于工业化生产。

4.Pakistanalso aspires to be the connecting route for flow of crude to China from destinations across the world, he said.巴基斯坦也希望成为世界各地原油运往中国的连接点。

5.As my wife and I were planning our last vacation, one of the first things we did was get out a map and plan our route.上次,我和妻子准备旅行时,做的第一件事就是拿出地图,确认路线。

6.Raise some protection measures from the point of the choice of transportation route of out-of-gauge goods.从铁路超限货物运输径路选择的角度提出保障措施。

7."The lock is over here, " she said as she led them along the route following the directions on her watch.“锁就在这里。”她说,她一直根据表的指示路线带领大家来到这里。

8.Social networking sites might have seemed as if they'd follow the same route, but all signs suggest they're here for the long haul.社交网站似乎要重蹈上述覆辙,但是所有的迹象都表明它们要经受长时间的检验。

9.Plan a route for the wiring from the point of the vehicle where the winch will be mounted or used to the battery.计划路线为从车辆点布线其中绞车将被安装或使用的电池。

10.It would seem pke the path is only a means to an end, a route to reach the goal.‘路’(途径)看起来不过就是通向终点的方式,达到目标的旅程。