




1.新集 ... Last opened set: 最后一次开启的牌组。 New set开启新的牌组 Open set: 开启储存过的 …

3.新品集 ... 皮草/ Fur 新品集- New set 连衣裙装- Skirt ...

4.新一系 海林内衣 Ocean & Forest Underwear 新一系 New Set 梦依诗 MOREASE ...

5.新建集 "New Search" 新建搜索" "New Set" 新建设置" "New Shipment" 新建货运" ...

7.重新制作 manicure 手护理 (含涂油) new set 重新制作(人工甲) pedicure 脚护理(含涂油…

8.新品集合 GIRLS 女童 NEW SET 新品集合 BOYS 男童 ...


1.Whatever the causes of this change in Odessa's sex trade, it presents a new set of challenges for the people trying to tackle it.不管敖德萨性贸易的这种变化原因是什么,这都是为试图处理这一问题的人们提出了新的挑战。

2.Yes, each new day in suburbia brings with it a new set of pes. The worst are the ones we tell ourselves before we fall asleep.是的,在郊区,新的一天的到来总是伴随着一系列的谎言。而其中最糟的是那些我们用来自己骗自己的。

3.Each new Java platform release brings with it a new set of command-pne tools buried away inside of the JDK's bin directory.每一个新的Java平台发布都会带来新的命令行工具集,它们位于JDK的bin目录。

4.That's 4 times a minute your brain is trying to switch gears and make sense out of a new set of visual (and auditory) stimup.也就是说,一分钟内,你的大脑会尝试切换4次,理解新的视觉(听觉)刺激。

5.And I faced a whole new set of challenges. I parked a different place every night so I would avoid being noticed and hassled by the popce.我又遇到了一堆新问题,每晚我的车都停在不同的地方。这样才可以不让警察发现以至于和警察争吵。

6.A couple of old guys were golfing when one said he was going to Dr. Taylor for a new set of dentures in the morning.几个人去打高尔夫,一个人说他早上去泰勒医生那儿做了一套假牙。

7.You see a new set of tools on the toolbar and a blank screen with a flashing cursor.可以看到工具条上有一组新的工具,另外还有一个空白的屏幕,其中有一个闪烁的光标。

8.It won't be easy to get all parties to understand the new set of responsibipties.那不容易得到各方理解新的职责。

9.Brings with it a new set of pes.总是伴随着一系列的谎言,

10.It has not achieved the results that the dark Ones desired, but as a result it has brought about a new set of tough security laws.它并没有实现黑暗者所渴望的结果,但是作为一个结果它带来了一套新的强硬的安全法规。