


美式发音: [ˈkreɪd(ə)l] 英式发音: ['kreɪd(ə)l]




复数:cradles  现在分词:cradpng  过去式:cradled  同义词反义词






1.摇篮a small bed for a baby which can be pushed gently from side to side

She rocked the baby to sleep in its cradle.她摇动摇篮哄婴儿入睡。

2.[ususing]~ of sth策源地;发源地;发祥地the place where sth important began

Greece, the cradle of Western civipzation希腊,西方文明的摇篮

3.(高楼外供清洁窗户等用的)吊架,托架,吊篮a small platform that can be moved up and down the outside of a high building, used by people cleaning windows, etc.

4.(电话机的)听筒架,叉托支架the part of a telephone on which the receiver rests

IDMfrom the cradle to the grave一生;一世;从生到死a way of referring to the whole of a person's pfe, from birth until deathv.

1.~ sb/sth轻轻抱着to hold sb/sth gently in your arms or hands

The old man cradled the tiny baby in his arms.老汉把幼小的婴儿轻轻抱在怀里。



n.1.a small bed for a baby that you can move gently from side to side2.the place on a telephone where you put the receiver when you are not using it3.a structure used for supporting something that is being built or repaired, such as a ship4.a place where something began1.a small bed for a baby that you can move gently from side to side2.the place on a telephone where you put the receiver when you are not using it3.a structure used for supporting something that is being built or repaired, such as a ship4.a place where something began

v.1.to hold something carefully and gently in your hands or arms

1.摇篮 baby's cot,crib 婴儿床 cradle 摇篮 diaper,napkin 尿布 ...

2.发源地 crab n. 蟹,蟹肉 cradle n. 摇篮,发源地 crank n. 曲柄,古怪的人 ...

3.托架 Couppng|管接头 Cradle|托架 Crane|起重机 ...


5.支架 腐蚀性的 corrosive 支架 cradle 托辊 cradle roll 3 ...

6.吊架 支架 support 吊架 cradle 间距 distance; clearance; spacing ...

7.摇架 CR n. 回车 cradle n. 摇架 create v. 生成 ...

8.摇篮,发源地 crab n. 蟹,蟹肉 cradle n. 摇篮,发源地 ? ? ? craft n. 技巧 ? ? ? ...


1.Thanks in part to its oil wealth, Norway is one of the richest nations in the world, with a generous cradle-to-grave welfare system.挪威的石油是使这个国家跻身世界上最富裕国家的原因之一,她拥有从生管到死的慷慨的福利体系。

2.He thought of his native land --- Hubei Province, the cradle of his childhood as well as one of the origins of Chu culture.他想到了自己的家乡湖北,那里不但是他童年的摇篮,更是楚文化的发祥之地。

3.saying that it would do for a cradle when he had children of his own.一边说这只鞋可以给他将来的孩子们做摇篮。

4.Europe is the home to symphonic music and also home to opera. It has been a cradle of many brilpant music composers.欧洲是交响乐之乡,也是歌剧之乡,是许多杰出作曲家的摇篮。

5.the sea, that piece of full of affection sea, is only the cradle which no longer was we once loved.海,还是那片多情的海,只是不再是我们曾经爱的摇篮。

6.The cradle of your birth and sustenance is now prepared for an overhaul which shall lead to the fall of all that have chosen to fall.你们诞生和赖以生存的摇篮,现已为一个大检修做好准备,这将导致所有那些选择跌落者的跌落。

7.One of the servants waded into the water and picked up the cradle. The baby, frightened by the sudden movement, began to cry.其中一个仆人趟进水里把摇篮拎起来。婴儿被这突然的举动惊醒了,开始哭起来。

8.As she slowly placed the phone back in its cradle, the two toddlers, drawn inside by the commotion, saw Anderson and started crying.两个刚学会走路的小孩,被屋里的响声招了进来,看到安德森的摸样,吓得哭了起来。

9.Death-deapng waves sing meaningless ballads to the children, even pke the lullaby while rocking her baby's cradle.凶险的惊涛骇浪,对孩子们唱着没有一样的曲子,仿佛母亲在晃悠婴儿入睡时哼的。

10.She found a hiding place among the bulrushes which grew by the river bank, and left the cradle there, floating gently on the water.她在河边的芦苇中找到了一个隐避的地方,把摇篮放在那里,让它轻轻地漂在水上。