




1.好的王帝 ... 暴风雨" storm" 好的王帝" good king" 英文名 Name ...

2.好君王拥有‘好君王’(Good King)的安茹公爵何内(Rene I d'Anjou),是最后一位安茹公爵(duc d'Anjou或duke of Anjou),他在翁杰堡内 …


1.He was a good king, but he had one habit---never, never, would he admit that he might be wrong.他是个好国王,但是有个坏习惯——从来不肯承认自己会错。

2.Good King Richard was stranded in a battle on a far away strait and no one knew when he would return. Someone had to defend the kingdom.好国王理查在一次遥远的海峡之战中被困住了,谁也不知道他什么时候能回来,得有人出来保护王国。

3.Was the theme of civil society praise, promote caring and peace, respecting the United States and the heart of good King.表现得主题是歌颂文明社会,倡导仁爱与和平,敬善敬美之心。

4.It was a sad story about a good king who was poisoned to death by his brother.那是叙述一位好国王被他的弟弟毒死的悲伤故事。

5.With you by his side maybe a good king!有你的帮助,他说不定会是个好国王

6.And when the good King perished while fighting a war in a far away land, the new Queen did not shed a single tear.当国王在一个遥远的国度战死疆场时,新皇后连一滴眼泪也没掉。

7.Oh angel, you are coming. I think I can't be a good king, so can you make me to be a shoemaker?哦,天使,你回来了。我认为,我不能做一个好的国王。请你把我变回去。

8.When good King Arthur ruled this land, He was a goodly king; He stole three pecks of barley-meal To make a bag-pudding.当亚瑟王统治这片土地的时候他是一位优秀的国王他偷了三配克大麦粗粉为了做一个大布丁。

9.Good King Wenceslas looked out On the Feast of Stephen, When the snow lay round about.在纪念圣徒斯蒂文的庆典上,善良的国王文瑟斯拉斯看着外面,此时雪花飘落四方。

10.he was a good king , well pked by his people.他是一位被人们爱戴的好国王。