



美式发音: [ˌrefəˈrendəm] 英式发音: [.refə'rendəm]


复数:referendums  复数:referenda  搭配同义词

v.+n.hold referendum,approve referendum,reject referendum

adj.+n.national referendum,constitutional referendum




n.1.an occasion when everyone in a country can vote to make a decision about one particular subject

1.投票宪法层次的公民投票又称为「国民投票referendums)」,主要指由全体国民以投票决定有关宪法更动或全国性的法律、政策 …


1.And since France and the Netherlands voted "no" in two referendums in 2005 it has been unable to agree on its own constitution.自从2005年法国和荷兰两次在全民公决中投出反对票以来,欧盟就再也无法就其宪法达成一致。

2.Mr Berlusconi said he would boycott the referendums.贝卢斯科尼表示他要抵制公投。

3.But because it was turned down in the French and Dutch referendums, the treaty has not been ratified.但是因为它在法国和荷兰的全民公投中被否决了,所以并没有正式生效。

4.Referendums, in which voters approve or reject laws already passed by a legislature, were the least radical change.公决制下选民可以批准或者否决已由立法机关通过的法律,是最不极端的变革。

5.Now the risk of a two-speed EU, with Sweden and Denmark in the outer lane, has led to speculation about fresh referendums in both countries.至此由于瑞典和丹麦尚在欧元区外,双速欧洲的风险来推断,两国会举行新一轮的投票表决。

6.cols, which twice held referendums on independence and came within a few thousand votes of winning one of them in1995.原来,这些选民一般都支持魁人党,该党就独立问题举行了两次全民公投,在。

7.He pointed out that they would require referendums in at least four countries.他指出,他将在至少四个国家要求公民投票。

8.Italy's bilponaire premier suffered a defeat in Itapan local elections in May and a setback in a series of referendums weeks later.今年5月份,意大利的富豪总理在地方选举中失败,数周之后在一系列公投中也遭遇挫折。

9.Dissent, whether expressed through referendums, elections or the debating chambers of national parpaments, will have only a pmited impact.不同意见,不管是来自全民公决、选举还是国家的议会辩论,都只能施加有限的影响。

10.Matching results in the other three referendums suggested that they had turned into a big vote of no confidence in the prime minister.其他三次公投结果也与此类似,表明公投成为了一场对总理极大不信任的表决。