

cut in

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第三人称单数:cuts in  现在分词:cutting in  同义词

v.interrupt,break in,butt in,interject,move in



na.1.if someone cuts in when you are dancing with someone, they start dancing with the person you were dancing witstrong.if a piece of equipment cuts in, it starts operating automatically when it is needed3.to drive past a vehicle and move quickly in front of it in a dangerous way4.to interrupt someone who is speaking5.to allow someone to get part of the profits of something1.if someone cuts in when you are dancing with someone, they start dancing with the person you were dancing witstrong.if a piece of equipment cuts in, it starts operating automatically when it is needed3.to drive past a vehicle and move quickly in front of it in a dangerous way4.to interrupt someone who is speaking5.to allow someone to get part of the profits of something

1.插嘴 cut down 削减,减少 cut in 插嘴,打断 cut off 切断,阻断 ...

2.插嘴,打断 cut down 削减,降低 cut in ( 汽车 ) 抢道;插嘴,打断 cut off 切断;删去;停止 ...

3.超车 cut down 砍倒;消减;缩短 cut in (汽车)超车,抢挡 cut into 侵犯(利益等);削减 ...

4.超车抢挡 cut down 砍倒;削减;缩短 cut in 打断,插嘴;(汽车)超车抢挡 cut off 切掉;切断;阻隔 ...

5.切入 standings 战绩表 cut in 切入 backdoor cut 走后门,从两边底线切入篮底 ...

6.打断,插嘴 cut back 削减,降低 368. cut in 打断,插嘴;(汽车)抢挡 369. in danger 在危险中,垂危 370. ...

7.插话 cut back 消减,减少 cut in 打断,插话 cut off 切断,阻碍 ...


1.The reason was that the Fed would respond "aggressively" , by which he meant a cut in the federal funds rate of just one percentage point.原因在于联储将会做出激进的反应,但他所谓的激进反应只不过是联邦基金利率会下调1个百分点。

2.It then had the calorific value of this basepne diet cut, in three monthly tranches, until it had been reduced by a total of 30%.并以此为其进食的卡路里基准值,在三个月的时间内逐渐减少食物,直到减少到基准值的30%。

3.We need everyone to take a cut in his salary, or else the company will have to choose some people to let go.我们需要大家接受减薪,否则公司只好解雇一些人了。

4.its cover photo is one of a pair of eyes staring through a rectangle cut in black fabric.封面图片是蒙在长方形黑色纱巾的一双眼睛。

5.She was about to tell the truth when Tom cut in on her.她正要说实话,汤姆突然打断了她。

6.Consequently, stones cut in rectangular shapes were used for the foundation, inner and outer brims , and gateways of the wall.因此,切割成方形的石头用于基础,内外边和城门处。

7.Our shareholders in the space of just a few weeks had seen the value of the stock cut in half, and was continuing to head south.我们的股东,发现自己股票的价值,在仅仅几周之内少了一半,而且还在持续下降。

8.and a pttle long hollow place I cut in the in-side of the boat, where I could lay gun, making a flap to hang down over it to keep it dry.另外,我又在船舷内挖了一条长长的槽,用来放枪,还做了块垂板可盖住长槽,以防枪支受潮。

9.Instead, he took a huge cut in salary and rolled up his former international shirtsleeves for the fight.但是,他大副降薪卷起他的前国家队袖子来跟球队并肩作战。

10.Last month, when the union announced it had negotiated a 12% pay cut in exchange for a promise of no lay-offs, there was applause.然而上个月,当工会宣布经协商决定用12%的减薪来确保没有人被炒鱿鱼时,迎来的却是掌声。“我当时很震惊。”