




1.大量的 from...to 从…到 amount of 大量的(不可数) look up 查字典 ...

2.与不可数名词连用 explore 探索,探究 amount of sth. 与不可数名词连用。 affect 为动词,表示影响。 ...

3.一般加不可数名词表金额 ... a number of 许多 amount of 一般加不可数名词表金额, wasn't nervous. 后 …

4.数量 ... significant: 象征 amount of: 数量 either: 任何一个 ...

5.本期应补税额 ... (6)=(4)×(5)已纳税额 Amount of (7)本期应补(退)税额 Amount of (8)=(6)-(7)税务机关核定 Verification by ...

6.度需要的石灰 土壤 Soil type 度需要的石灰 Amount of 合 计 Total ...

7.已纳税额 ... (5)应纳税额 Amount of tax payable (6)=(4)×(5)已纳税额 Amount of (7)本期应补(退)税额 Amount of ...

8.本年运行费用 城 市 City 本年运行费用 Amount of (万元) COD in ...


1.Breathing predominantly with your chest does not permit you to get an optimal amount of oxygen as easily as diaphragmatic breathing does.以胸部为主进行呼吸不能像利用横隔膜呼吸那样使你获得最佳氧气量。

2.The amount of change to a place should be guided by the cultural significance of the place and its appropriate interpretation.一个地方的改变程度必须根据此处的文化意义和对他合适的阐释。

3.Finally, it indicates how much time the garbage collection took -- also the amount of time your apppcation was halted.最后,指出垃圾收集花费的时间,也即应用程序中止的时间量。

4.Pulpng a set amount of cash out of your account on a weekly basis for your expenses can help epminate this mindless spending.针对你的开销,每周在你的账户上设定一个现金值,它可以帮你减少不经过大脑思考的花费。

5.The amount of weight gained was dependent on length of time DMPA was used, as the rate of weight gain slowed over time.当体重增长率变慢时,体重增加的数目取决于使用DMPA时间的长短。

6.After washing, take proper amount of this product and apply it gently around the eyes and massage till completely absorbed.洁面后,取本品适量轻抹于眼周,轻轻按摩至完全吸收即可。

7.shall be calculated on the amount of subsidy as close as practicable to the point of first sale of the basic agricultural product concerned.支持等值的计算应尽可能根据接近有关基本农产品的第一销售点的补贴的数量。

8.Supercapacitors are meatier versions that are able to hold a reasonable amount of energy, and can take it in and release it quickly.超级电容器是有能力储存相当多能量的更丰满的版本,并且能很快的充电和放电。

9.The key, say the scientists, is to focus on not just the amount of fat, but the type of fat that you might have.科学家们说,问题的关键在于我们不能仅仅只关注脂肪的含量,而应该关注我们体内可能含有哪一类脂肪。

10.The move essentially reduces the amount of money available for loans, and is an attempt to cool down the economy.此举实际上削减了可用来贷款的资金数额,目的在于给经济降温。