




1.再见 ... 11.Not bad 还不错 12.See u 再见 13.Shut up 闭嘴 ...

2.空了吹 34.anyway 蛋求谈 36.see U 空了吹 37.let's go 撤飘 ...


1.The miptary, therefore, would be loath to see U. S. support go but probably does not bepeve that the United States would cut aid.因此,军方将不愿意失去美国的支持,但又似乎不相信美方会停止援助。

2."when his tears fell into the water, he cried, " stay, i really want to see u if i may not touch u.当他的眼泪掉进了水里时,他喊道:“留下来,我很想去看你,如果我不能害你。”

3.Dont ever let your enemies see u fall, all they want is to see you mess up, don't give them the pleasure.不要让你的敌人看到你一蹶不振,他们最想看到的是你自乱阵脚,不要让他们轻易得逞。

4.But tired eyes, and too slow to connect with the net. fingers not dance any longer. have a rest . . . see u , my friends.但眼睛还是累了,并且,上网太慢了。不写了,也不学习了。休息啊。同学们再见!

5.A diplomat went to see U. S. President Lincoln, and found out that the great man was popshing his shoes.一个外交官去见林肯时,发现他正在刷鞋。

6.but i still wanna ask will i ever see u again if i leave?但我仍然想问,如果我离开了还能否再见到你?

7.Good afternoon and nice to see U at this sunny afternoon.下午好,并很高兴看到u在这个阳光下午。

8.U. S. stocks closed modestly higher Wednesday, helped by gains for home-improvement retailer Target Corp. See U. S. Market Snapshot.美国股市周三收盘小幅走高,得益于国内零售商塔吉特集团(Target)股价上扬。

9.See "U. S. Electric System Begins Long Transformation to a Smart Grid. "参阅“美国启动将电力系统改造成智能电网的长期工程”。

10.I hoped that we were parallels, then I could see u all the time.我希望我们是平行线,那样我就可以一直陪伴你。