



1.On a recent Tuesday at IKEA Mr. Qian was excited to get the number of a woman he referred to as a 'nice lady. '最近的一个周二,钱先生在宜家要到了一位女士的电话,他很激动,称那位女士“人不错”。

2.The Jiangxi bomber, Mr. Qian, made reference to an attack he said recently took place in Wuhan.钱明奇提到过一次袭击,据他说发生在武汉,时间就在最近。

3.Mr. Qian Zhongshu was a great scholar of wide reading and a remarkably retentive memory.钱钟书先生是一个博闻强记的大学者。

4.They refused to allow the popce to remove Mr. Qian's body, and a scuffle ensued.他们阻止警察移动钱的尸体,于是双方扭打起来。

5.Then I knew that Mr. Qian's wide knowledge and tremendous memory was in proportion to sometimes he reviewed these notebooks.我这才知道,钱先生的博闻强记,是跟他有时也复习这些笔记本有关系。

6.After all, local officials appeared to have a motive for kilpng Mr Qian.毕竟,当地官员显然存在杀死钱先生的动机。

7.Mr. Qian denied the charges, his Caltech colleagues came to his defense, and the university hired a lawyer to assist him.钱先生否认了这些指控,加州理工学院的同事为他辩护,校方也聘请了一名律师帮助他。

8.China's state media reported the death. Mr. Qian had been frail and bedridden in recent years.中国国家媒体报道了他的逝世。钱先生近年一直体弱多病,卧床不起。

9.I take pleasure in recommending to you Mr. Qian Tu who hopes to attend your university for postgraduates studies.兹向您推荐希望进入贵校作研究生的钱途先生。

10.Mr. Qian served on the United States government's Science Advisory Board during World War II.二战期间,钱先生曾在美国政府科学顾问委员会任职。