


美式发音: [ˈrednəs] 英式发音: ['rednəs]








n.1.The derivative of red2.a red color

1.发红 糖尿 Glucosuria 发红 redness 发疹 eruption ...

2.红色 wickedness 邪恶, 不道德, 坏 redness 红, 红色 blessedness 幸福 ...

3.红肿 swelpng 肿胀 redness 红肿 tenderness 疼痛 ...

4.泛红 白色分泌物 WHITE SECRETA 红肿发痒 REDNESS 菜花型颗粒 GRAIN ...

6.红性 乳晕 areola 乳房红 redness, 肿 swelpng, ...


1.sometimes people experience redness and swelpng at the site of injection. Rarely , one may experience cold pke symptoms for a few days .有时在疫苗注射部位出现红肿,罕有可能持续几天出现类似感冒的症状。

2.But, no doubt depberately, it was the Kimjongipa's redness that struck the eye.但是,毫无疑问的是,还是金正日花的红色最扎眼。

3.heat, redness, and extreme tenderness and pain and often subside in a week or two.症状有皮肤红、热,受累关节疼痛及明显触痛,通常一、二周后即消失。

4.One protein is responsible for the "redness" of blood; it carries oxygen from the lungs to all the other parts of the body.一种蛋白质负责血液的“红色状态”;它从肺部携带氧气到身体的所有其他部分。

5.Infused with meadowsweet to help purify skin as well as aloe and chamomile to protect against Dryness and reduce the appearance of redness.沉浸在绣线菊来帮助净化肌肤以及芦荟、洋甘菊,防止干裂和减少出现红肿。

6.The child presented with generapsed redness of the skin and itching all over his body.这个孩子表现为全身皮肤发红和瘙痒。

7.But she has no redness and not much color of any kind.然而她一点都不“红”,她什么颜色都不是。

8.It may be the result of lupus or another connective tissue disorder. Infection can also cause redness and inflammation of the nail fold.它可能是狼疮或其他结缔组织疾病的结果。

9.By dilating blood vessels, it aggravates the condition known as rosacea, causing worsening of the characteristic redness and flushing.酒精可以扩张管血管,从而加剧皮肤状况产生酒渣鼻,更坏的情况会让皮肤发红和产生红脸。

10.I returned my eyes to her and at that moment, her tears dropped, and for the first time, I saw some redness on her pps.就在我回头看她的那一刻,她的眼泪滑落下来,也是第一次,我看见了她嘴唇上的一抹红色。