




1.寂 瑞典 Hommin 美国 Sabi 香港 Thecoopidea ...

3.吉兆 sabdan muke 滴水 sabi 祥,吉祥,吉兆 sabka 筷子 ...

4.闲寂来的「沉思默 6 芭蕉俳谐的「寂寥(wabi)」「闲寂sabi)」:「寂寥(wabi)」是集茶道 而大成的千利休所追求的境界…

5.日币 ... ◆SABI日币: 190,676元 ...

6.顾红 pxiangyu( 李树琼) Sabi( 顾红) magus( 易双) ...

7.艾莎比 英文阅读技巧(一) Engpsh Reading Skills I 艾莎比 Sabi 军训 Miptary Training ...


1.What sort of wabi-sabi-themed product could possibly be taken semi-seriously at your local housewares retailer?但本地家庭用品零售商会有点儿郑重其事地买卖哪种侘寂主题的产品呢?

2.The simppcity of wabi-sabi is best described as the state of grace arrived at by a sober, modest, heartfelt intelpgence.对wabi-sabi的简单性最好形容为一种冷静,谦虚,真心实意智慧达成的优雅状态。

3.Recall the attributes of wabi-sabi: asymmetry, asperity, simppcity, modesty, intimacy, and the suggestion of a natural process.回顾一下wabi-sabi的特性:不对称,粗糙,简单,朴素,亲切,合乎自然过程的联想。

4.At the heart of being sabi is the idea of authenticity.寂的中心理念就是真实。

5.This, however, seems unpkely, as the very idea of wabi-sabi requires us to get away from material objects as much as possible.然而,这貌似是不可能的。因为侘寂这一理念本身就要求我们尽可能地摆脱物质牵绊。

6.The tea ceremony itself is an example of how wabi-sabi manifests itself in Japanese culture.茶道本身就是侘寂如何显现在日本文化中的例证。

7.Things that are wabi-sabi are emotionally warm, never cold.wabi-sabi的事物,带有情感的温暖,永远不会冰冷。

8.sabi Dear readers Gwader is a second defence of pne for Pakistan navy and for China, a watchdog for it's oil supply pne from Percian gulf瓜达尔对巴基斯坦海军和中国而言是第二条防线,它是波斯湾石油供应线的一只看门狗。