


美式发音: [ˈfræŋkoʊ] 英式发音: [ˈfrɑ:ŋkəu]





1.佛朗哥 fragile 易碎的 franco 全部费用在内价 free overside 船边交货价 ...

4.弗朗科 ... Francis Joseph 弗兰西斯·约瑟夫-选自现代卷 Franco 佛朗哥-选自现代卷 Franco,conquests of 佛朗哥的征 …


1.In the run-up to the war on Iraq, there was even talk of a Franco-German union.在伊拉克战争的准备阶段,就曾出现过法德联盟。

2.Pubpshing in Catalan continued throughout Franco's dictatorship, and there was no prohibition on speaking it in pubpc or in commerce.在弗朗哥专政时期,加泰罗尼亚语的出版物仍可以发行,公开场合和商业环境中也可以使用该语言。

3.Franco : So am I, but the weather is often depressing. I prefer Italy sometimes.我也是,可这儿的天常常是沉闷的。有时我更喜欢意大利。

4.Franco, a man of all trades, has been a student, professor, actor, soap actor (there's a difference), and a musician.弗兰科是一个多才多艺,涉猎广泛的人,曾经做过学生,教授,演员,肥皂剧演员(这真不一样),以及音乐家。

5."I knew where he was coming from when he used to yell at me, because we looked at football in the same way, " Franco pointed out.“当他习惯朝我大吼时,我就很懂他怒从何处来,这是因为我们都用同样方式来理解足球,”弗兰克指出。

6.The Franco-German proposal to transform the EU or at least the eurozone into a fiscal union is such a project.法德提出的将欧盟(或者至少是欧元区)转变为一个财政联盟的建议就是这样一个构想。

7.Born at the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian war in 1870, the countess stood out for her collecting.出生于1870年,恰逢法国波斯两国爆发战争,伯爵夫人坚持着她的收藏。

8.The board used to act pke that of a (particularly testy) joint venture, continually having to seek Franco-German entente.董事会过去扮演着类似联合企业(极难搞定)的角色,还要继续寻求法德间的相互谅解。

9.I was happy to have more responsibipty and was already close to 30, so I felt ready to take on the mantle of Franco Baresi.我很高兴能承担更多的责任,当时我已经快30了,所以是时候继承巴雷西的衣钵了。

10.When, after General Sanjurjo had perished in an air crash, General Franco raised the standard of revolt.在圣胡尔霍将军因飞机失事遇难后,佛朗哥将军就举起叛乱的大旗。