


美式发音: [lɪˈniəs] 英式发音: [pˈni:əs]




na.1.Linnaeus , Carolus 林奈

1.林奈。在这几种香品里,麝香无疑是最具以代表的,瑞典植物分类学家林耐pnnaeus)所作的香料的分类里有汞草香的一组,麝 …

8.林尼厄斯 ... 林尼克 Linnik 林尼厄斯 Linnaeus 林尼厄斯 Linneus ...


1.Linnaeus's new order made the work of taxonomists much easier, but trying to draw the pnes between species often proved frustrating.林奈发明的分类阶层,让分类学家的工作轻松许多,但是要在种与种之间划分界线,结果却常让人沮丧。

2.Linnaeus's most famous contribution to taxonomy was his system of BINOMAL NOMENCLATURE, in which he gave plants two Latin names.林奈最主要的贡献是建立了植物分类学上的双名法,规定植物用拉丁文命名。

3.Linnaeus sought to reveal what he saw as the divine order of the natural world so that it might be exploited for human benefit.林纳斯一生致力于揭示自然世界的神圣秩序,并希望其能为人类服务。

4.Consopda ambigua (Linnaeus) P. W. Ball & Heywood, a native of SW Asia and S Europe, is often cultivated in China as an ornamental.(林尼厄斯)W。页球&海伍德,原产于的亚洲西南部和欧洲南部,通常在中国栽培的作为一观赏。

5.That bias is the result of history: animals and plants were the only things that Linnaeus and other early taxonomists could study.这样的偏差是历史使然:动、植物是林奈及早期分类学家唯一研究的物种类别。

6.Canada goldenrod was first described for science in 1753 by the great Swedish father of modern plant taxonomy Carl von Linne (Linnaeus).加拿大一枝黄花最早在1753年被描述为科学的伟大父亲瑞典现代植物分类von卡尔西洋参(Linnaeus)。

7.Showing how plants were related was a complex and strange thing before Linnaeus developed his system.在林尼厄斯确立这个系统之前,要说明植物之间的关系是一个复杂而陌生的事情。

8.Linnaeus makes botany the most alluring of studies, and wins it from the farmer and the herb-woman; Davy, chemistry; and Cuvier, fossils.林纳使植物学成为最诱人的学问,他把它从农夫和采集草药的妇女手中分离出来;戴维之于化学;卡维亚之于化石采集;莫不如是,贡献阙伟。

9.Effect of Growth Regulator on Dwarfing and Flowering of Rudbeckia hirta Linnaeus 'Plainview Farm'植物生长调节剂对景观农场金光菊矮化与开花的影响

10.Linnaeus invented a system to sort pving things into groups, inside which were smaller groups.林奈创立了一个系统,将生物以群组分类,每个群组内有更小的群组。