




1.我的老朋友 ... )sppt the night 划破黑夜, )my old friend, 黑暗,我的老朋友, )a vision softly creeping 因为梦幻缓缓涌现, ...

2.我的老友 hello,darkness,my old friend, 嗨,黑夜,我的老友 I''ve come to talk with you again, 又来和你谈天了 ...

3.如果能称您为老朋友的话 ... Hello darkness, 您好, 黑暗之神 my old friend 如果能称您为老朋友的话 ...


1.b. When my old friend Brian urged me to accept a cigarette, it was more than I could bear.当我的老朋友布赖恩怂恿我接受一支香烟时,我实在熬不住了。

2.The purpose of my visit to this city is to talk business on the one hand and to see my old friend on the other.我到这座城市一方面是洽谈业务,另一方面是看望老朋友。

3.My old friend walked with me to the bottom of the road.老朋友陪我走到这条路的尽头。

4.Hello World Hello World My old friend It's another day Glad to see you again Sun is up I'm ready to play Hello World So what do you say.你好地球你好地球,我的老朋友。新的一天开始了,很高兴再次见到你。太阳升起来了,我准备去玩了。你好地球,你认为怎么样呢?

5.A year ago, at a get-together of a dozen girlfriends from college, I saw my old friend, Therese Gibson.一年前,在十二位女大学生举行的一次聚会上,我看到了我的老朋友,特里萨·吉布森。

6.Namely, that all of this was happening in the framework of a teaching which is that of my old friend, of my old comrade, Henri Ey.换句话说,这些都发生在教学的架构当中,我的老朋友,我的老同志。

7.What do you think your father, my old friend, would have said if he had been here to-night, and had known of all your goings on ?你想想,要是你的父亲、我的那位老朋友今晚在这里,知道你都干了些什么,他会怎么说?

8.To be frank, you looks pke a friend of mine in primary school. My first sight of you reminds me of my old friend.说实话,你很像我小学时的一个朋友,从我第一眼注意到你时,就觉得好像。

9.So when you see him in ads all over China, you just think, that's my old friend?所以当你在中国那么多广告里看见他的时候,你只是觉得,那是我的老朋友?

10.I recently visit my old friend in some day. I'm going to visit an old friend one of these days.最近的某一天我要去拜访一个老朋友