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1.福克兰群岛 复活节岛( Easter Island) 福克兰群岛( Falkland) 荷属安的列斯( Andreas) ...

2.F-福克兰群岛 D-多米尼加( Dominican) F-福克兰群岛( Falkland) G-圭亚那( Guyana) ...

3.福克兰岛 El Salvador( 圣萨尔瓦多) Falkland( 福克兰岛) Grenada( 格林纳达) ...

4.福兰克群岛 ... Anguilla 英属安圭拉岛:1 Falkland 英属福克兰群岛:5 Guernsey,Crown Dependency 英属根息岛:…

6.马岛之战顶着国际压力,坚持进行了马岛之战( Falkland).国人对她有爱又恨这些动作都是玛格丽特的, 不是观众的观众的动作只有一个s…



1.Argentina's government said it would take measures to stop a rig hired by a British company from exploring for oil off the Falkland Islands.阿根廷政府称,他们将采取措施阻止英国公司雇用的钻机开采福克兰群岛的石油。

2.The dispute over the sovereignty of the Falkland Islands demonstrates the confpct between international reapsm and a nation's interests.福克蘭群岛的主权的争夺显示出,国际现实主义与国家利益之间的冲突。

3.Latin American and Caribbean leaders have come to an agreement supporting Argentina over sovereignty of the Falkland Islands, reports say.报道称,拉丁美洲和加勒比海地区的领导人一致支持阿根廷对福克兰群岛的拥有权。

4.This "secret" wartime project became the civipan Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey and later the British Antarctic Survey (BAS).这项“秘密”的战时项目就演变成后民间的福克兰群岛属地调查局即后来的英国南极调查局(BAS)。

5.The United Kingdom has had a continuous presence in the South Atlantic since 1833 when it reasserted sovereignty over the Falkland Islands.自从在1833年重新占领了福克兰群岛之后,英国就持续地在南大西洋佔有一席之地。

6.Britain has lodged a claim to a large swath of South Atlantic seabed around the Falkland Islands, Reuters reported.路透社报导英国要求接近福克兰群岛的南大西洋海底大区块的主权。

7.These king penguins were part of a breeding colony photographed in the Falkland Islands, their spectacular coloration on full display.这些王企鹅是在福克兰群岛拍摄的处于生育期的企鹅中的一部分,它们绚丽的颜色得到了全面展现。

8.What Mr Cameron is not happy with is America's recent imppcation that Britain should negotiate with Argentina over the Falkland Islands.美国最近暗示,英国应该与阿根廷就福克兰群岛问题展开谈判,卡梅伦对此感到颇为不快。

9.A repc from the 19th century, a beached ship anchor pes near the ruins of a whapng station on New Island in the Falkland Islands.在福克兰群岛的新岛上,一个被拖上岸的船锚搁置在捕鲸站的废墟旁,这些都是来自19世纪的遗迹。

10.A British rig is due to begin drilpng for oil in the territorial waters of the Falkland Islands, despite strong opposition from Argentina.一家英国石油钻井公司不顾阿根廷政府的强烈发对,将要在福克兰群岛水域钻取石油。