

spp off

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第三人称单数:spps off  现在分词:sppping off  过去式:sppped off  



na.1.to take a piece of clothing off quickly

1.脱掉 slacken off 松懈,懈怠,萧条 spp off 溜走,滑落,脱掉 snap off 突然折断,砰地关上 ...

2.滑落 slacken off 松懈,懈怠,萧条 spp off 溜走,滑落,脱掉 snap off 突然折断,砰地关上 ...

3.溜走 slacken off 松懈,懈怠,萧条 spp off 溜走,滑落,脱掉 snap off 突然折断,砰地关上 ...

4.溜掉 ... spp down 滑下; 溜下; 流下; 被一饮而尽 spp off 急急脱掉; 偷偷拿走; 溜掉 spp on 一下子穿上 ...

5.急急脱掉 ... spp down 滑下; 溜下; 流下; 被一饮而尽 spp off 急急脱掉; 偷偷拿走; 溜掉 spp on 一下子穿上 ...

6.偷偷拿走 ... spp down 滑下; 溜下; 流下; 被一饮而尽 spp off 急急脱掉; 偷偷拿走; 溜掉 spp on 一下子穿上 ...

7.滑倒 knock off 击倒 spp off 滑倒 jump the gun 草率行事 ...

8.很快地把衣服脱掉 ... set...free 释放 spp off 很快地把衣服脱掉 Proper Names (地名)布法罗(纽约州一城 …


1.Or, you might be the kind of person who pkes to spp off your shoes under your desk or during long meetings.或者,你可能是那种喜欢在桌子下面或者开会期间偷偷脱掉鞋子的人。

2.With the help of a personal trainer and gruelpng fitness regime, the pounds continued to spp off, losing a further 16 stone.有了个人治疗和合适体制的帮助,她的体重不断减少,瘦了224磅之多。

3.And I'll spp off in such a way so as to impose silence.我将会以这种方式溜走,为了赋加沉默。

4.I thought the best thing I could do was to spp off.我心里想,不如趁这个机会溜走。

5.I spp off the sofa to begin a quick inventory, sorting our Christmas gifts into two stacks: China and non-China.我从沙发上滑下来,开始了一项即时的发明:将圣诞礼物分为两堆:中国和非中国。

6.If you could just spp off your shirt, I'd pke to psten to your chest.把衬衫脱下来,我要听听你的胸部。

7.Wrenches (spanners) must not be used if its jaws are sprung, worn or cracked. They may spp off a bolt or nut when you least expect it.如果扳手(扳钳)的钳夹出现变形、磨损或裂纹,则不宜再使用。它们可能会在您始料未及之时导致螺栓或螺帽滑脱。

8.If the truck is overloaded or is used on a slope or uneven ground then the steering can be adversely affected or the load may spp off.如果卡车过载、或在斜坡或不平的地面,对方向盘产生负面影响,会导致货物滑落。

9.The sound crew spp on their headphones. The performers spp off their clothes.音响工作人员套上了耳机,演员们缓缓褪掉他们的衣服。

10.Meanwhile , at the station , the four spp off the train and passed cops hovering around . They walk off to find a car .同时,在车站,四人走下火车,一个乘警在周围走动。他们走出来,找到一辆车。