




1.苑利苑利 (Mrs Fox) ~ 看似外表凶凶的她其实怀有一颗慈悲善良的心。彦琛 ~ 羞答答的慈青有着琛思琛想的功力 彦祖 ~ 彦秋和伟祖 …


1.And when Mrs Fox had told him what she wanted, Mr Fox would creep down into the valley in the darkness of the night and help himself.狐狸太太把自己想吃的东西告诉他之后,狐狸先生便会乘着夜幕,悄悄的溜进山谷去随意取货。

2.Mrs. Fox locked herself in her room, and her maid, Miss Cat, sat on the hearth and cooked.狐狸太太走进自己的房间里,把门关上了,她的女仆猫小姐则坐在厨房的火炉旁做饭。

3.Finally a young fox came. Mrs. Fox asked, "Is the gentleman wearing red breeches, and does he have a pointed pttle face? "最后,终于有一只年青的狐狸来了,狐狸太太问:「他有四条红红的脚和尖尖的嘴鼻吗?」

4.Mrs. Fox: I love you, too. But I shouldn't have married you.狐太太:我也爱你,不过我当初不该嫁给你。

5.In the hole pved Mr Fox and Mrs Fox and their four Small Foxes.洞里边住着狐狸先生、狐狸太太,还有他们的四只小狐狸。

6.He dreaded the interview with Mrs. Fox.他惧怕与福克斯夫人会见

7.Mrs. Fox: Oh, why did you have to get us into this, Foxy?狐太太:噢,阿狸,为什么你要让我们落入如此境地?。