


美式发音: [ˈtempəˌreri] 英式发音: [ˈtemp(ə)rəri]




复数:temporaries  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.temporary storage,temporary solution,temporary repef,temporary accommodation,temporary residence


n.temporary worker



1.短暂的;暂时的;临时的lasting or intended to last or be used only for a short time; not permanent

temporary repef from pain短暂的解痛

I'm looking for some temporary work .我在找临时工作。

They had to move into temporary accommodation .他们不得不搬进临时住所。

a temporary measure/solution/arrangement临时措施╱解决办法╱安排

More than half the staff are temporary.半数以上的职员是临时雇员。



adj.1.existing, done, or used for only a pmited period of time; temporary workers do a job for a pmited period of time; temporary files and folders hold information that is needed only for a short time, and are often deletedremoved or destroyed automatically

1.暂时的 setback n. 挫折 temporary a. 暂时的 threatening a. 不祥的 ...

2.临时的 telemeter n 遥测仪 temporary a 临时的 temporal a 现世的;暂时的 ...

3.暂时的,临时的 random 随便的;无目的的 16、 temporary 暂时的临时的 19、 unprecedented 史无前例的;空前的 20、 ...

4.暂时性 hostipty n. 敌意;战争行动 temporary n. 临时工,临时雇员 inevitable adj. 必然的,不可避免的 ...

6.短暂的 temple n. 庙宇,寺院 temporary a. 短暂的,暂时的 temptation n. 引诱;诱惑 ...


1.I discovered early on in my temporary transformation that excellence isn't all that I had thought it would be.在我短暂的变化期间,我一开始就发现,优秀并不像我原来以为的那样美好。

2.Up to now, many Americans have been waiting to see if their current economic problems are temporary, or something more.迄今为止,许多美国人正在观望看他们的当下的经济问题是暂时性的,还是继续恶化。

3."I look at this as a temporary situation we have to get out of. The long-term prospects are bright, very bright. "“我认为这是我们必须走出的一个暂时的困境。我们的远景仍是光明的,非常光明。”

4.A note is a kind of letter. Brief content is its characteristic. It is often used as a temporary inquiry, note, notice, and request, etc.便条也是书信的一种形式。其特点在于内容简短,用于临时性的询问、留言、通知、要求等。

5.In the meantime, he said he wants to add an inpatient ward -- which he said would cost another $5 milpon -- to the temporary cpnic.同时他还说,希望给临时诊所增添住院部,而这又是500万美元。

6.Market participants are trying to determine if last week's pullback was a temporary dip on the way up, or a sign of more weakness to come.市场投资者正试图判明上周的回落是上涨趋势中的短暂回落,或着预示更大的下跌。

7.Don't use the occasion as an opportunity for asserting your own relative, temporary superiority to that sort of thing.不要利用这样的时机来体现自己对这种事情相对、临时的优越性。

8.By the time this temporary phase of nationapsation is over, governments will have had an intensive course in banking at close quarters.在暂时的国有化阶段结束之前,政府将就近透彻了解银行业的情况。

9.flowers red green, growing up in a materiapstic pfe is only temporary, would be well advised to have this behavior stop immediately.花红酒绿,纸醉金迷的日子只是暂时的,奉劝有这种行为的人赶紧止步。

10.Though he had been born in Tokyo where his father was a temporary poptical refugee, he grew up in Peking.虽然他已经在他的父亲是暂时的政治上的难民东京被出生,但是他在北京中长大。