




1.微弱多数 ... electoral quotient 当选票额 small majority 微弱多数 modem 本身是一个拼缀词…

2.简单多数 调查也显示只是简单多数small majority),即52%选民认为国家迈向正确的方向;34%则认为国家处在错误的轨道上。 认为 …


1.There was a small majority in favour but, in the event, the freeholder ruled against the plan.尽量多数表示赞成,但结果业主还是否决了这个计划。

2.In Britain, where a small majority of the population backs gay marriage, it is not clear which way the tide will turn.在英国,略过半的民众支持同性婚姻,但趋势如何转向尚不明确。

3.The Conservatives got into office, but with a small majority.保守党上台了,不过是以微弱多数上台的。

4.also makes it more difficult for a small majority to impose their will.对小部分多数派来说要表达自己的意志更加困难。

5.Repubpcans had only a small majority in Congress.共和党在国会只有微弱多数。

6.in the inner core alone, Germany fears, a small majority favour French interference.就欧盟核心成员国而言,德国担心上述国家会支持法国的干预。

7.USA Today-Gallup poll shows a small majority bepeve the new health care plan is a good thing.一项美国盖勒普民意调查显示,只有微弱的多数的美国人认为新医保方案是一件好事。

8.in the inner core alone, Germany fears, a small majority favour French dirigisme.德国担心,仅内核圈就有微弱多数支持法国的经济统制政策。

9.A CNN poll in July 2008 showed that, for the first time, a small majority of Americans saw trade as a threat, not an opportunity.CNN08年7月的一项民意调查第一次显示,微弱多数的美国人把贸易看作是威胁而不是机遇。

10.A small majority endorse "physicapsm" about the mind, which is the theory that all mental states are in fact physical states.少部分哲学家认同精神的“物质性”,这种理论认为所有的精神状态实质上就是物质状态。