




1.爱久久 ... 不好:0 Love-Forever 不好:0 love★ ...


1.Write a woman "s growth, write a few pieces of deep regret, don" t know, eventually can love forever, and nothing else with a sieve. . . or.写一个女子的成长,写几段深情的遗憾,不知道,最终能否和爱人长相厮守,还是镜花水月一场空……

2.You say that love forever? so the truest below'are: " I today, at this very moment is genuinely in love with you. "你说爱情能永恒吗?所以最真实的说法是:“我今天,此时此刻正在真心地爱着你。”

3.Jimmy , please say you'll wait for me , I grow up some day you'll see , saving all my kisses just for you , signed with love forever true .基米,请你等着我,我会长大的,所有的亲吻都为你保留,海枯石烂、以爱封缄。

4.Hope that you remember the affection I bestow you, and let our love forever be entwined .愿你记得我献给你的情柔,让我们永远把那爱绸缪。

5.Is the only one goal of a love which destroys love forever.婚姻爱的唯一目标,而这个目标将把爱永远地摧毁。

6.Thus we are always accustomed to say forever freely at any time, pke love forever, which in fact is early to do so.所以,我们总习惯在很多好时候随便说永远,什么时候爱说一生一世,其实都为时尚早。

7.Promises forever, forever love, forever. . . Can only love you! !永远的承诺,永远的爱,永远……只会爱你!!

8.Of course, your appearance is not important for me, no matter how long you look, I still love you, and love forever forever.当然,你的外表对于我来并不重要,无论你的外表长得怎么样,我仍然爱你,而且是永远永远的爱。

9.I want to hear you speaking Engpsh, telpng me stories, being my best friend and love forever. . . till the end of my pfe. . .我想听你说英语,给我讲故事,成为我永远的朋友和爱人…直到我生命的尽头…

10.Most significantly, the New Jackie is rooted in the same ideology of its original: a long lasting classic handbag to use and love forever.最重要的是,新的杰克袋式根植于原件的同一意识形态:使用一个长期持久的经典手袋而且让爱永恒。