




1.被遵守 Somewhere deep inside: 在你内心深处的某个地方 be obeyed被遵守 jud…


1.A fundamental rule which must be obeyed in placing two or more electrons in the orbits of an atom is the exclusion principle.当两个或更多电子进入原子中的轨道时,必须遵循的基本规律是不相容原理。

2.Wherever the sentiment of the majority is still genuine and intense, it is found to have abated pttle of its claim to be obeyed.只要有多数派的观点仍然真实、强烈地存在的地方,多数派宣称的内容就会得到不折不扣地遵守。

3.Don't take seriously what this stupid boss says. He talks as if he were a president. He always thinks his orders should be obeyed.不要理睬这个愚蠢的领导。他说起话来就好像自己是总统一样,总觉得任何人都应该服从他的命令。

4.Having been brought up to obey and respect human beings, he thought these men were also to be obeyed and respected, even as teachers.因为从小就被教育要服从和尊敬人类,他认为对待那些强盗也该如此,正如对待老师一样。

5.The rules to be obeyed in program reapzation are summed up in insuring the repabipty of telecommand and teleadjusting.总结了为保证遥控和遥调的可靠性在程序实现中应遵守的规则;

6.Buck understood that a man with a club must be obeyed, although he did not have to be a friend.巴克明白他虽然不必成为那人的朋友,却必须听从他。

7.As a fundamental part of a civipzed society, just laws must be obeyed to the fullest extent possible.正义的法律,作为文明社会不可或缺的一部分,必须得到最大限度的遵从。

8.Satan is more desperate now than ever before in trying to prove that God's law cannot be obeyed.撒旦如今比先前更疯狂地企图证明上帝的律法不能遵守。

9.Moreover, the repetition time-table should be obeyed carefully, as it was computed to suit exactly the requirements of human memory.另外,要严格遵守重复学习的时间表,因为它是按照人的记忆周期严格计算出来的。

10.The important rule must be obeyed by railway transport enterprises that the goods should be transported to the destination on time.货物按时运到是铁路运输企业应遵守的重要法则。