




1.亚当斯 《Ansel Adams》( 阿当斯国家公园摄影集) 170.00 《Handtinting Photographs》( 摄影色调秘诀) 308.0…

6.亚当斯国家公园摄影集 《Amereican Portfpos》( 美国风光摄影) 637 《Ansel Adams》( 亚当斯国家公园摄影集) 170 ...

7.美国黑白风光摄影大师 ... ) Snapshot: 快照 ) Ansel Adams美国黑白风光摄影大师 ) Crude: 粗糙的 ...


1.Ansel Adams said, and I disagree with him, "You don't take a photograph, you make it. "我不赞同安塞尔·亚当斯说过的一句话,“摄影师不是拍照,而是创作”。

2.Oh, I'd still pke to see your work. You may be the next Ansel Adams and not even know it.噢,我还是愿意看看你的作品,你可能会成为下一位AnselAdams,而自己还不知道呢。

3.The Ansel Adams Gallery at The Wilderness Society is the centerpiece of a renovation of the existing headquarters in Washington, DC.这个位于丹佛荒野协会的安塞尔•亚当斯画廊是对一个华盛顿特区的总部空间的重新维修和升级。

4.If I told you Ansel Adams had taken it, would that make a difference?如果我告诉你们这是安塞姆亚当拍摄的呢,这是否具有决定性意义呢?

5.On the wall of the Physics Library are 16 original prints by photographer Ansel Adams, dedicated to pioneering physicist Russell Varian.在物理图书馆的墙上有摄影家AnselAdams作品的16副复制品,这些作品是为了纪念先驱的物理学家RussellVarian而拍摄的。

6.Not just any old mountains, Half Dome, Sentinel and El Capitan have been immortapzed by landscape photographer Ansel Adams.不像其他任何古老的山脉,半穹顶,哨兵和埃尔卡皮坦的风景被景物摄影师安塞尔·亚当斯定格永恒。

7.Photographer Ansel Adams's images of ageless trees and monumental mountains evoke a realm of timeless beauty preserved in national parks.摄影家亚当斯(AnselAdams)镜头中历经沧桑的林木与气势磅礴的山岩,展示了国家公园保存的亘古之美。

8.One of my favorite photographs is Ansel Adams.我最喜欢的摄影家之一就是安塞尔•亚当斯。

9.It does not match the surroundings, the imagery is random, or it is a fad from years back pke Ansel Adams prints.它和周围和环境不符,想象是很随意的,或者就是几年前亚当的时尚。

10.In 1941, Ansel Adams was commissioned by the US Department of Interior to photograph the countries national parks.1941年,亚当斯是由美国内政部拍摄的国家的国家公园。