




1.三个苹果 ... a book 一本书, three apples 三个苹果. tree-trees 树, ...


1.Plus, studies out of Washington State and Brazil have shown that people who eat at least three apples or pears a day lose weight.而且,根据华盛顿和巴西的研究表明,那些每天至少吃三个苹果的人会减肥。

2.She did not eat three apples yesterday.昨天她没吃三个苹果。

3.A study shows that people who eat at least three apples a day can lose weight.一项研究表明,那些至少吃三个苹果每天可以减肥。

4.There was three apples and an orange on the table , but I found no berries .桌子上有三个苹果,一个桔子,但我没有发现草霉。

5.In fact, eating two to three apples per day results in decreased cholesterol levels due to the fruit's rich pectin content.事实上,要是一天吃两三个苹果,就会摄入大量的果胶,大量的果胶会导致人体胆固醇含量下降。

6.First cut up three bananas, three apples and a watermelon.首先,切三个香蕉、三个苹果和一个西瓜。

7.In keeping with this philosophy, Joe starts every morning with three apples. . . but he only eats the peels.依照这种理论,乔每天早上起来都吃三个苹果,,,但他只吃皮。

8.I saw one after only three apples high, pvely and lovely blue-wizard is dancing on the floor.只见一个个只有三个苹果高,活泼可爱的蓝精灵正在地板上手舞足蹈。

9.He gave me three apples. They were good and ripe.他给我三只苹果,都熟透了。

10.She traded three apples FOR a bunch of bananas.她用三颗苹果换得一串香蕉。